Maryland Employers with Illegal Workers Could Be Fined

January 3, 2008

  • January 3, 2008 at 12:49 pm
    Scott says:
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    Dah, they’re illegal!

  • January 3, 2008 at 1:26 am
    ME says:
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    Some people overlook the procedures to verify the legal status of immigrant workers & should be fined @ $5,000 per illegal person on the premises that is involved in any work being done there. I bet if they paid out a few fines & found that doing business with the illegals is more costly than with American Citizens (regardless of nationality) that they might be more profitable in whatever industry they are in & go back to hiring American workers.

    For those that continue to hire illegal immigrants, they are the ones that are helping to keep them coming across the borders however they can. Until we work together to make sure that only the legal citizens are hired to work in our country, we will always have a problem. I do not have a problem with folks having a work Visa & coming into America to work, they have gone through the channels to be where they are & there is a record of their coming into our country, along with some identification of the person. The illegals are coming over & there is no documentation on what they know, where they lived previously, what kind of criminal records are in other countries, etc… it’s just a bad deal!!!

    I support penalties for hiring illegal workers!

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