N.J. Red Light Camera Bill Awaits Gov. Corzine’s Signature

By | January 10, 2008

  • January 10, 2008 at 2:13 am
    Frankie says:
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    Ok, where are all those “my right to privacy is being taken away” people?

  • January 10, 2008 at 2:43 am
    David says:
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    As a resident of NJ I feel I can speak freely. It’s the most corrupt state in the country; has the highest auto insurance rates; has the highest property tax rates; has rotting infrastructure; and screws the public every chance it gets. This is another scam by the dim witted governor and his band of idiots to suck more money out of the public. They lack the intelligence, ability, desire, and courage to think in terms of saving the exhorbitant amounts of money they already get. Their only solution is “we need more money”. Unfortunately, the public will never organize and tell these morons “no more money until you demonstrate you can manage what you have.”.

  • January 10, 2008 at 3:11 am
    Saints Fan says:
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    Also, where was this idea when Corzine had his little run-in with the law? I don’t know who is worse when it comes to corruption. Louisiana politics or… forget it, LA wrote the playbook.

  • January 10, 2008 at 4:56 am
    Mike says:
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    I’m right here Frankie.

    I’m one of those people who can see the path we are heading on under the idea of protecting ourselves.

    We can justify almost anything under the
    idea of protecting ourselves but it is
    misuse (or abuse)of this type of power
    that concerns me.

    You say that we don’t have the worry
    because nothing bad will happen from
    this type of thing but history has told
    us that this is just not true.

    I pray that we won’t stop considering, and challenging if necessary, those control idea’s that cross the line which may surface as we head down this path.

    Thanks for allowing another point of view.


  • January 10, 2008 at 5:31 am
    umpiire says:
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    There’s a lot more to these “photo cops” than is being talked about here. And since some of it actually SAVES money and pain, they should get into the mix.

    Truth is, a human cop can write a red light ticket, and they do. But don’t we want them doing something else? Of course we do… there are all kinds of jokes and puns about, “why does he have time to give me a ticket, but not catch the burglar at my house?”

    So — we can either pay cops to write tickets, or, we can create a more stream-lined efficient way to do it. But darn… now we cannot get away with as much — and THAT’s why most folks whine. Same with speeders — they know they were actually speeding… and if a cop followed them, they’d surrender with the comment of, “man.. you caught me.” However, when cops got radar guns, somehow that was “cheating”… and the same is now true of the camera system.

    We cannot have a cop at every bad intersection. But we can have a camera system. And these things actually work thousands of times better than the cop in the first place! The machine will never lie. It won’t have an attitude. Criminology research has proven dozens of times that a human witness is generally wrong, while a camera is generally right. Sure, humans are better at some things — but sorry folks… we lose at stuff like this, by comparison.

    And people DO change driving habits because of these things. There are dozens of them in my town, and most of us know where they are, and traffic slows down… just like we all do when we drive by a cop! Unless you want to pay 50 extra traffic cops, then cameras are the way to save money, slow down traffic, and logically, then, save taxes.

    Let’s see… if the cameras affect traffic at an intersection so that only 2 accidents less are recorded in the next whole YEAR of use, it seems to me that we save the taxation issues on having cops investigate the accident, fire and ambulance services, replacement of poles and signs mauled by vehicles, etc, etc. This means that you pay for those cameras in municipal cost savings in the first year.

    Then, the more you change driving behavior, and the less accidents you have, the less insurers can charge for auto insurance. If your State rates are high, there’s probably a reason for that.

    Cameras, like radar guns, will be distasteful as “cheating” for quite a while. Us humans are mostly mad at something else… not the camera… and partially because we know that the camera is RIGHT about it’s findings! Yep — that was me that sailed through that red light… nice photo… don’t these stupid cameras ever go on a coffee break?!

    Just realize that despite the camera’s claim to fame about being cheaper, faster, more reliable, etc… it’s still not human, so we need not be jealous of it. It’s just a tool, that can help us, if we’ll let it, have us behave consistently within the rules.

    Now… if you want to really be the rebelious human, instead of getting mad that the camera caught you, get busy complaining that the speed limit is too darned low, or that you have a special driving skill that should allow you to run red lights by 20 feet or so, because you’re special. …sorry… but at some point, someone had to say it.

  • January 10, 2008 at 5:32 am
    Mary B. says:
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    They’re stuck in the looney bin where the other detractors belong. These cameras are great and if it brings in extra revenue, GREAT. If people are so worried then DON’T SPEED and DON’T run red lights. Shhh, some people are so stupid.

  • January 11, 2008 at 7:51 am
    Dread says:
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    I have to agree w/David’s comments. Corzine and the gov’t of NJ could give a rat’s a ss about safety. There is no huge problem of deaths due to collisions or speeding in metro areas. It’s either high speed collisions or shooting in Newark or Trenton. “Corzine fiddles while NJ burns”. The only reason they’re installing these things is to get more revenue for the corrupt,ineffective, and greedy government.

  • January 11, 2008 at 8:19 am
    Frankie says:
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    If you feel these cameras are only a money making scheme, and you don’t want to contribute to corrupt govt, convince all your fellow New Jersians to drive safe / obey the traffic laws, and you won’t be contributing. If you aren’t running red lights, you aren’t supporting the corruption. Simple enough, isn’t it?

  • January 11, 2008 at 8:20 am
    NJ resident says:
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    There is one possible flaw in claiming that this is the STATE trying to grab more money from its residents. Those of you who live in states that permit towns to use these cameras can correct me if I am wrong. The towns get the money not the state. The towns purchase and place the cameras IF they decide they want them. Maybe the NJ law is different?

    Stop whinning..its a good thing.

  • January 11, 2008 at 10:31 am
    Good job Umpire! says:
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    That is the best, most reasoned, disertation on a subject we have seen in a long time. Good Job!!

  • January 27, 2008 at 12:44 pm
    Mike says:
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    Normally you would go through on a yellow but now everyone will start slamming there brakes on to avoid a red light. Just watch what happens when avoid the yellow light and get a nice F350 or Suburban into the back of your car just so you can save a ticket. The hospital bill and car insurance headaches will make you think twice about even stopping. Bunch of idiots in this state that could care more about your money then your safety. Enough said.

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