N.J. Distributes $16.4M in Medical Malpractice Insurance Subsidies

January 22, 2008

  • January 22, 2008 at 1:09 am
    Astounded! says:
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    Now there is new meaning for the phrase, the fox watching the hen house…doctors and attorney’s, some of the single highest earners on the planet; cooked up this scheme, under the disguise of public benefit, to arrange $16.4m in paybacks! Let’s see if I get this right – the doctors (who already charge a fortune for the high risk specialist’s they are in) get a vig from their own assesments, to offset med.mal. insurance premiums they pay. This in turn provides for a (insurance policy) fund for the attorney’s to sue, in a med. malpractice case?!?

    Wouldn’t the doctors, attorney’s and legislators do better, by just holding a gun to your head, and just ask for the money!?!

    This is unbelievable, another example of the complete corruption in NJ. Who else gets a self-funded assestment, to offset future premiums in their business…to guarentee and support a population of plaintiffs attorneys!

  • January 23, 2008 at 9:33 am
    Astounded too says:
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    I must say never under estimate the people of NJ, Astounded comments are completely on target. If he or she is an outsider their perception of the issue is outstanding. This was nothing more then a “plot” “scheme” to maintain the status quo. In other words the plaintiff’s bar was concerned coverage for the Obstetrician would be in jeopardy and they might not have a lucrative class of physicians to sue. The resourceful folks they are came up with this idea give the doctors money to pay for their coverage thus perpetuating the “golden goose” they almost killed…..bravo astounded having spent over 25 years in this industry the level of arrogance of our politicians and our plaintiff’s attorneys never astounds me. If you could figure out the scam that indicates the conspirators of this program really don’t care about New Jersey citizens but we already knew that

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