N.J. Clears Way for Private Choppers to Respond To Crashes

January 24, 2008

  • January 24, 2008 at 10:02 am
    Its Me says:
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    each one will be staffed by a lawyer looking for thier next meal ticket.

  • January 24, 2008 at 1:09 am
    Dread says:
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    Typical of NJ corruption. The state can do it for around $1,300 but will allow privateers to charge $7,000. There must be a nice stipend built in for the state.

  • January 24, 2008 at 5:46 am
    KOB says:
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    You can bet that those private helicopter companies will have their ears pinned to police/fire channel, so that they can be the first on the scene of an accident. “Hey NJ Motorists, have you ever ridden on a chopper? what’s that…. you only have bumps a bruises from a fender-bender? Don’t worry, your NJ NO-Fault carrier will pay the bill, and why shouldn’t the carrier pay it, you have been paying the highest premium rate in the nation for so many years, so here is your chance to stick-it-to-em” – I wouldn’t be surprised when i hear that some private helicopter operator is found to be in cahoots with EMS/Fire or county helicopter dispatcher to be called to accident scene, and that they have been splitting the loot afterwards. I heard that the same thing was happening with the “authorized” Hwy tow companies and the police officers in NYC,

  • January 25, 2008 at 10:55 am
    AZAZ says:
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    Why don’t they just put up a fence. This is just another bad decision gone bad… really bad…

    Who the “bleep” came up with this brilliant idea – Yummm can’t you just smell the corruption? For a state that has their illustrious reputation they I can only see that this scheme will only make it worse.

    What happens when your “insurance carrier” won’t pay the bill because it the $7000 the yahoo in the whirly bird charges you isn’t “reasonable or customary” – You thought you had a heart attack before!

    This should be fun to watch…

  • January 25, 2008 at 11:00 am
    DMNH says:
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    At $1300.00 the state is doing it at a heavy loss. The tax payer is making up the difference. $1300.00 would not even cover the wages of 2 pilots, flight nurses, mechanics, dispatch and office staff insurance etc. Never mind paying for the 2-3 million dollar helicopter, fuel, and a hangar to put it in plus office space. I am a pilot in Canada and work in the logging industry…not medical. You would be amazed at how much it costs to operate these things.

  • January 25, 2008 at 1:12 am
    Avionxman says:
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    Over here in Vancouver BC they use S76’s for the Heli-Vac service. Cost per hour 10k+. Your State is off setting the $1300 with tax dollars. If anything NJ state should cap it at $3-4000 after all someones life is at stake.

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