New Jersey Governor Sees Crash as Link to People’s Struggles

By | April 4, 2008

  • April 4, 2008 at 1:00 am
    Patriot says:
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    What kind of State is NJ.. Idiot Gov. and most legislators.. I contend it is the east cost winds blowing in from the UK.

    East coast communes breed commune thinkers, er socialist.. Sorry did not mean to denigrate old hippie types,just the socialist they have become. Why have a new law on the books that, again, hits the employer in the pocket book?

  • April 5, 2008 at 11:06 am
    wudchuck says:
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    it’s not going to hit the pocket books of the employers – reason: because most folks have sick days on the books, those can be used in by many companies in many states for such purpose — after we do have fmla (federal program) that already exists for this purpose….this is just an extension of that by the state…

  • April 7, 2008 at 11:44 am
    Suzi says:
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    FMLA is UNPAID. Supposedly this program is supposed to run like disability insurance, without the disability. The employee has to pay a remuim for it & then quailfy to take it. Can’t just say, Okay, I’m taking 6 weeks of paid leave to take care of Aunt Tillie’s ex-husband’s cousin’s kid.

    But of course as we know, in NJ it will be riddled with fraud,and unchecked payouts, causing the tax payers & employers to hand over money.

  • April 7, 2008 at 11:46 am
    wudchuck says:
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    convenience is that at least the company i am working for…we are allowing them to use vacation so at least they get paid but not held against them for dependability…

  • April 7, 2008 at 2:53 am
    Dave says:
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    Just one look at Corzine should tell you all you need to know about his ability to be a governor. The man doesn’t own a razor or a comb. He’s just one more in the long list of corrupt, two-faced, useless NJ politicians who financially rape the taxpayer and expect their gratitude. I live in NJ and am ashamed to admit it. I’m counting the days until I can leave.

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