Virginia Gov. Kaine Declares Emergency After 3 Tornadoes Strike

April 29, 2008

  • April 29, 2008 at 2:40 am
    Dick says:
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    Its about time we heard from the industry immediately after a disaster. These claims will all be covered, “no flood exclusions” to worry about. There shouldn’t even be a need for the government to get involved. Lets do a great job and make sure it gets into the news. We certainly can use some “good” publicity.

  • April 30, 2008 at 7:58 am
    wudchuck says:
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    i know that my company moved quickly with its adjusters and a sprinter van. we gave water to those folks in need. the adjusters were working hard to get to the damaged vehicles. we have associates who live there and close by who are working hard to get the area back on it’s feet. this is why i love my company. it’s always contributing back to the community.

    oh, the company i work for? the one that sends the gecko or even a caveman to make you smile. in this case, a group of human beings that care.

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