Virginia’s Had Worse Tornadoes than Most Recent Outbreak

By | May 1, 2008

  • May 7, 2008 at 11:56 am
    Ray Greenfield says:
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    I watched a really good program some weeks back entitled “surviving super tornadoes”, and was moved to tears. I still remember April 3 1974 because we came very close to being hit by one of those tornadoes that very night. However, I have a better memory for a small outbreak of tornadoes in the early spring of 1962, for it was in that very year that I got a once in a life time chance to see the true evil behind the storm. I now quote the words that some woman said in that tornado documentary that I saw a few weeks ago “you could feel the evil associated with this storm” once I heard those words it sent chills down my spine, for it hit very close to home. You probably won’t believe what I’m going to tell you here and now because so far no one has taken me seriously. I have already sent many letters like this one to ABC, MSNBC, CNN, FOX and the BBC with little or no response to any of my e-mails.

    I played a storm chaser for many years starting at the young age of seven. In 1962 while everybody else was hiding inside their houses, I was outside in the rain up on the roof of our small barn with my father’s binoculars watching the sky. I must admit that I stood up there for 10 to 15 minutes completely drenched from head to toe shivering and quite bit frightened at what I was watching at the time. Yes at the time I witnessed two huge tornadoes roughly 1000 yards to the west that had crisscrossed each other as they laid down a path of destruction in front of me. However, the tornado that was now to the Northwest of my current position began to glow brightly like the sun’s rays were beading down through it at some point. Then I saw a hideous looking figure that seemed to be swimming around in the sky. In fact, it seemed to be skipping on all that debris that this tornado had picked up. I know it sounds crazy and believe me I paid a terrible price for telling my parents this apparent lie. After all, without the physical evidence to back up my crazy story, I didn’t have prayer of convincing anybody of my sincerity.

    That experience started my lifelong storm chaser quest to once again spot this thing and record its hideous image for the entire world to see. This quest of a lifetime ended in the late summer of 1989 in a small town called Milford Michigan were I recorded this storm of mild strength on video tape; however, this super weak thunderstorm had a very strange ending. It hit us like any other thunderstorm with lots of lightning a little thunder, and some strong winds too. They were not hurricane force winds, however; they did strip quite a few leaves off the trees. As this mild summer storm passed our location, the night time sky began to change back from its current pitch black to a deep dark blue, but this did not last long. As we all stood outside, the sky changed color once again, to a weird looking orange. As matter-of-fact to the many thousands of stunned onlookers, it was the strangest thing any of us had ever seen, myself not included. Oh yes I’ve seen the same thing back in 1962 when those two tornadoes crisscrossed a path of destruction a few thousand yards in front of me. Without hesitation, I began slowly panning the video camera in a 360° radius until it was facing the western sky. That’s when we all saw it approaching from out of the west, what was described later as one of the strangest looking tornadoes ever. It had no rotation whatsoever in it, however; it was very large, looking more like an F4 or an F5. As we, all marveled at this apparent freak of nature, I continued video taping the sky. Then there it was this time accompanied with an angelic being of some kind. Yes, the quest of a lifetime was now over for I had once again seen that hideous entity from the 1962 storm. However, this time unlike in that 1962 storm I had a video camera trained on it. Yes, everything that I’m telling you here and now would be considered hearsay evidence in any court of law. However, with the video proof to back me up, this hearsay evidence becomes 100% factual.

    All this that I’m now telling you would have been ancient history already, if it wasn’t for the strange an unexplainable disappearance of the video data, which literally vanished with out a trace just 4 days after I recorded it. In retrospect, before that happened I was ready and willing to take the video and my story to the tabloids. As matter-of-fact, I did call the National Enquirer to obtain some information, just two days after I recorded these video images in the sky. That’s what I planed; fortunately, somebody had other plans for this awesome by all accounts video data from the past. Call it an act of divine providence because although I searched all my possessions many times over the years, that VHS cassette tape containing the storm data just couldn’t be found. Then after giving up all hope of ever finding it, a few days before Christmas 2007 the video recording resurfaced, and under some very strange consequences too. In addition, for 5 months now I have tried with very little or no luck at all, to get this story and the video data out to those who might believe it.

    In conclusion, my heart truly goes out to all those dear people who lost there’re friends and family members on that terrible horror filled night of terror. Now according to the video data that I once again posses, February 3 1974 was indeed an act of evil, there’s no question about it. Yes an act of hatred that took the lives of 300 people and injured many thousands more in five states. Therefore, it’s certainly no secret that there are many unexplainable powers that make up this forever expanding universe of ours. One good example would be that infamous Bermuda triangle phenomena, that has over the years claimed the lives of thousands, including a countless numbers of ships and planes too. Using that as my reference starting point, I can guarantee that once you see the video data from 1989, it will forever change your perspective on these simple acts of Mother Nature. In essence, when you see the video data for yourself and you look directly at this evil entity face-to-face, there will be no question in your mind that this evil looking thing could easily destroy every single man, woman, and child on this planet just for kicks.

  • October 17, 2008 at 6:00 am
    Robert Mitchem says:
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    Video set to music of the 1993 tornado outbreak in Colonial Heights and Hopewell VA so you can see the difference.

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