FEMA Tours Flood-Damaged Delaware Coast Area

May 30, 2008

  • May 31, 2008 at 1:05 am
    michael speziale says:
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    It’s a shame that delaware is the first state and the last to get any aid. When you loose your source of income due to a storm disaster that took almost every tool and transportation I own overnite it really hurts. How do you recoupe from this? The sad part is that I have seen first hand the insurance FRAUD that has gone on here since the storm.It seem like everyone is out for themselves. This state has been an economic strugle since I first arrived in late august last year. I worked @ Dover airforce base on military housing 11 hour days to only be ripped off by one of the contractors & paid unfair wages. This country will give a foreigner a FREE GOV. GRANT but an american citizen must stand with 100 minimum destroyed homes before any help can be given.Is our government really out for the American people’s well being or is sending aid to foreign countries more important. Our country is in economic crisis because: 1)foreigners are taking our jobs for cheeper labor 2)they are sending american money to foreign countries Tax Free 3)they recieve cash from employers because they have insufficient I.D. to cash their checks or have a bank account 4)Welfare is given to foreigners who have not given 1 cent into the system. As the economy gets worse our government builds prisons instead of jobs for the american people.They expect a 33% prison population growth in the next 3-5yrs according to the financial reports. How deep can our government dig into our pockets before the are empty? Will they ever give any back? the saddest part of the story is that the american people will give to the american government and recieve nothing in return because the are to busy lining their pockets and the pockets of foreigners. If there is any help out there I sure could use some now.u2coolmike@yahoo.com

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