Maryland County Begins Charging for Ambulance service

July 7, 2008

  • July 7, 2008 at 12:37 pm
    Observer says:
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    EMT to patient: What seems to be the problem?
    Patient: I hurt my leg, and can’t walk.
    EMT: We will take you to the nearest hospital…as soon as you write us a check for $750.
    Patient: I think I am having chest pains.


  • July 7, 2008 at 2:34 am
    Dawn says:
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    They can’t deny emergeny medical transportation to anyone, can they?

    Seems to me that if someone can’t afford insurance and isn’t on medicare, they’re not going to have much luck getting the money. And let’s not even include the homeless and/or illegal aliens that probably make up at least a percentage of medical transports. That’s a loss before they even show up.

    Will probably end up costing more in paperwork/collections then they’ll ever see.

    Either way, the only ones that are going to be hurt are the law-abiding citizen that makes minimum wage and are worried about their credit scores. Again.

  • July 7, 2008 at 4:10 am
    Confused says:
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    Are they going after the auto med pay?

  • July 18, 2008 at 4:51 am
    SP says:
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    I still don’t see the big deal. In California we get charged for ambulance service, fire department services and police services for a false alarm. No, we are not asked to pay upfront. We get a bill later. Homeowers pays for the fire service and medical ins pays for the ambulance. If you don’t have insurance you are forced to pay the bill on your own.

    This is not a new concept and frankly I am surprised that all of the states in the union don’t do this.

  • July 21, 2008 at 8:09 am
    Dawn says:
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    I’d like to see what the cost/recovery ratio is in Ca.

    Yes, if you have insurance, no problem. But how many people transported actually have insurance? Do they even try to collect if there is no insurance, or do they just charge enough so our insurance companies pay for them?

    Fl charges, too. But even the EMT collection department (had to speak to them when they got my insurance card # wrong) admits that they only actively persue the insurance companies. She wouldn’t admit they have to pay for all the non-collect accounts, but I’d bet that’s how they maintain their bottom line. We have a large influx of illegals, as I know Ca does, too. It would be a waste of money to even try to collect from them. 35% of the drivers down here don’t have insurance of any kind. Can’t collect from them, either. Nasty letters and phone calls would just cost the company more for nothing, basically.

    So, another bill the people that do the right thing have to pay for those that don’t. (Keep our rates going up, guys. We just love to pay for everyone!) They have to be charging a fortune to the ins companies to cover the large percentage of transport fees they never recover. My bill was close to $400 for 9 miles.

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