Debate Continues over Maryland Ambulance Fees

November 18, 2008

  • November 18, 2008 at 1:08 am
    Scott says:
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    Montgomery County seems to think it is necessary to provide free ambulance service to its residents, yet in these troubled fiscal times there is not enough money for police, fire and libraries. God save us all from the Governmant’s love.

  • November 18, 2008 at 1:38 am
    wudchuck says:
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    well, what if the residents thought to visit a relative or friend and had to use their ambulance and had to pay for it’s use? WOW! an astonishing thought, considering they thought there would not be a payment again to an ambulance. so why would it be good in one area and not another. afterall, if you have health or life insurance or even a car insurance, those would be paid by them anyway. so why collect the money to give to the insurance company? what will you do w/the money collected? are you going to place it into a savings fund to that you can collect interest? you are not supposed to do that with my money being planned to go elsewhere….oh, we have already done that w/other tax items…um…um….

    OK, let’s table that thought….LOL!

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