Police: New York Man with Anti-DWI Device in DWI Crash

February 18, 2009

  • February 18, 2009 at 12:31 pm
    work around says:
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    Seems that someone has figured out a work around to the blow go system.
    Perhaps a fix would be an alert on his license record that the rental agency woudl see. That is assuming they run the record at time of rental..

  • February 18, 2009 at 12:41 pm
    Duhhhhhhhhh says:
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    Seems to me that an arrest and long jail time a while agao might have prevented this latest issue.

  • February 18, 2009 at 1:47 am
    gm says:
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    I hope his injuries are severe enough to prevent him from driving anymore.

    People like this should be taken off the road permanently.

  • February 18, 2009 at 2:36 am
    Susan B.A says:
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    He thinks he’s so smart, haul his butt off to jail for some quality thinking time…

  • February 18, 2009 at 2:47 am
    Baxtor says:
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    …or better yet, give DWI offenders a new driver’s license that says DWI right across the front of it. That way anyone that looks at their license will see it. And if that violates their rights, then don’t give them their license back at all. Their choice.

  • February 18, 2009 at 2:57 am
    Tom says:
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    Seems our fearless leaders were not clever enough to issue new license with restriction that rental car companies or anyone else for that matter would understand that this person is a nuisance to society

  • February 18, 2009 at 3:40 am
    SFOInsuranceLady says:
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    What the…..I can’t imagine that the courts didn’t think of this as a possibility?! I like the idea of “DUI” strewn across the top of the D/L for all to see. Privacy, Shmivacy. Driving is a privledge and not a right. When you endanger my life by sharing the road drunk, you lose all rights to privacy.
    Lock him up and throw away the key! Is there any way to punish the courts on this one? This is ludicrous!

  • February 18, 2009 at 4:28 am
    Webcat says:
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    Another way these guys are getting around it is with valet parking … either having the valet keep it running while they go in & drink OR have them start it up and hand it back over when they claim their car

  • February 18, 2009 at 5:13 am
    Bob says:
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    They should lock this guy up for a long long time.

    Anyone who finds a way around does it when he is sober. So anyone who works around should be jailed for a long time.

  • February 18, 2009 at 5:37 am
    Eric D says:
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    Hopefully he’ll die in the hospital and it won’t be an issue again.

  • February 19, 2009 at 7:18 am
    BC says:
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    When someone does this for the first time in other countries they lose their license for the rest of their life. But here in this country you see headlines that read “Drunk driver arrested for 9th time”. When are we going to wake up and start punishing people for their own actions. Maybe if this were done people might think before they act.

  • February 19, 2009 at 9:13 am
    Art says:
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    Actually thats not true, I received a DWI when I was living in London, and although they took away my license to drive for a while, I was given free treatment for my alcohol abuse, and have since not had a drink.

    Hopefully we can help this poor guy, and he wont fall through the cracks of society.

    In the end we all pay when a man like this isnt given any help.

    Wishing ill against another human being is unChristian.

  • February 19, 2009 at 10:17 am
    nobody important says:
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    Not to be too harsh, but I don’t consider England exactly the example for law enforcement these days. Tolerance is a nice thought, but theirs is way over the top. I much prefer the harsh treatment for this offense.

  • February 19, 2009 at 10:45 am
    Art says:
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    Nobody – Do you even know the laws in England? Then, dont comment. You are ignorant.

  • February 19, 2009 at 12:29 pm
    nobody important says:
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    Why attack me? You should feel sorry for me in my ignorance and want to help me. Actually I am a reasonably well informed person. Who do you think you are to tell me what opinion I am allowed to have? In order to have an opinion on any country I have to live there first? What you are saying is just silly. In my opinion many of the problems that country has involve a surplus of tolerance. That’s my opinion and it’s no less valid than yours. If you don’t like it you can ignore my future posts.

  • February 21, 2009 at 8:20 am
    Bill Dikant says:
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    Way back I mentioned this to a politician and was told cant do That. That it would be excessive punishment. I also suggested have car rental agencies have the capability to do a File Check with Dept. of Motor Vehicles.Nope, invasion of privacy. Enormous amounts of sympathy for the “HIGHWAY TERRORISTS” as I call ’em.
    Bill Dikant, Neo-prohibitionist, Professional Victim.My new titles courtsy of the Idiots @ R.I.D.L. . us

  • February 23, 2009 at 10:13 am
    Mike NY says:
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    Jail with rehab and sober house highly suggested. For some it works for some it doesnt until they have reached rock bottom.
    Whether its their own death or outcasted by family members everyone has their own rock bottom.

  • February 23, 2009 at 11:23 am
    bill plunkett says:
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    if you have an interlock system installed on your vehicle it is stated on your drivers license that that is the only vehicle he could drive. How was he able to rent a car? He knew the rules. this was the same as not having a drivers license when he drove the rental car. there are alot of people driving who do not have a license

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