Protesters Visit AIG Officials’ Lavish Connecticut Homes

By | March 23, 2009

  • March 23, 2009 at 12:38 pm
    Paulbdz says:
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    The people mentioned in this article were from the “Working Peoples” Party that have an extreme left wing socialist agenda, as was evidenced by their calls to the AIG executives to “share their wealth” with them. Heck, why don’t we all just turn our paychecks over to the government and let them decide how much we each need.

  • March 23, 2009 at 12:56 pm
    Compman says:
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    I agree Paul. I am sorry, but I work hard for my money, put myself through college and I’ll be damned if I am going to give up my rewards to people who think they are entitled to everything. I wonder how many of these protesters have any secondary education. Maybe if they spent their time working instead of protesting, they would not be losing their homes. Life isn’t fair people. If you are not motivated enough, or too stupid to get a better paying job, then live with it. It is not my responsibility to take care of you.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:08 am
    Scared says:
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    I would like to know who organized this bus trip and if any taxpayer money was used. So we are now targeting families to harass. I don’t like the AIG mess either but we should never have given the money to them in the first place. Thanks Democrats. This class warfare is what they did in Nazi Germany.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:14 am
    Paulbdz says:
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    You are darned right Scared!

    When they came for the AIG executives I didn’t do anything because I didn’t work for AIG. When they came for the Goldman Sachs executives I didn’t do anything because I didn’t work for Goldman Sachs . . . you know how this ends.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:15 am
    iamrem says:
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    When did we start condoning this type of activity. Wouldn’t this type of activity be classified as terrorist. Why were these folks allowed to do this??
    I wonder if the network news personalities like Kuric, Gibson, and Williams would think it ‘cool’ if these people were being bussed past their homes demanding they ‘share’ their six and seven figure incomes.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:16 am
    David says:
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    Who is asking you to give up your money? Their protests were aimed specifically to a bunch of executives who got a sweet deal of federal money. They were just a bunch of regular people who succumed to the political “grandstanding” opportunity this whole AIG/bonus thing has created. I guess it felt good for them, even though it really didn’t accomplish anything of substance and was probably a bit of a freak show. They don’t have the power to take your money away from you….relax. People need to cut the “class warfare” BS.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:20 am
    Scared2 says:
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    First of all, I don’t agree with the bonuses for AIG employees but I don’t have all the facts. I do not think that the government should have bailed them out in the first place, however. I would also like to know who paid for the bus and who organized this. Seems like are country is headed the total wrong way at record speed…..feels more like Nazi Germany and communism/socialism. I guess we should all just not work hard and work to get ahead and just expect the everyone else to take care of us. I am scared beyond belief as this is not how I was raised and how I raised my kids with an entitlement mentality.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:33 am
    Paulbdz says:
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    Who is asking me to give up my money? The protesters were. Not to mention that everything the legislature did about this last week is unconstitutional in so many ways. The fact is, these people should not be publicly humiliated for taking bonuses that our esteemed senator Dodd specifically exempted in the legislation when it stated bonuses agreed to before the date of the stimulus bill were exempt. They should have required bonus recipients’ employers “renegotiate” the bonuses just like they asked the unions to renegotiate with the auto companies. Face it, our congress screwed up, they look out the window at the mob with pitchforks and torches, and point at the AIG executives as the “guilty” parties.

    Forget starting class warfare buddy, it’s raging out of control right now, and it’s all a matter of time before they come after people like you and me (per my 2nd post).

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:34 am
    Alphonse Denayer says:
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    These poor misguided and manipulated people should be protesting at the home of Chris Dodd, who authored the language in the “Stimulus” bill that allowed AIG to pay the bonuses. On a larger scale, they should lobby Pelosi and Reid for drafting the bill which no one took time to read and the public did not see, prior to the perpetrator in chief signing it at his leisure.

    The most constructive course we cold all take is to initiate calls action suits against Fannie and Freddie (acting at the direction of President Clinton and the U.S. congress), to hold them liable for the financial crisis we are now in, by forcing U.S. banks to make predictably insolvent loans. Such a step would be enormously productive insofar as it would systemically place the liability for this crisis on the original perpetrators – the U.S. Government.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:35 am
    JMA says:
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    Unless my eyes were deceivng me, the protestors that I saw probably do not work anyway as they live off of our sweat and taxes.
    No one should be allowed to protest unless they have proof of employment meaning that they are contributing to society and our economic foundation. WHAT A JOKE!! The uninformed media eats this stuff right up as it is sensationalism.
    Should the employees have gotten a bonus; NO! But come on, unemployed protesters!!

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:35 am
    Disgusted says:
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    Hi there dittoheads.

    First, has any of you ever heard of the constitution, peacable assembly and the like – not really terrorism except in the world of the dittoheads. You might want to take a look at it. It’s a good document. Unfortunately, both the Democrats (90% after the fact tax rates) and Republicans (entire Bush II administration) appear to have fogotton about it.

    As for the AIG executives working hard to get ahead, let’s think about it. As long as Maurice was there to tell them what to say and do, they did just fine. Please don’t pretend that he gave anyone any leeway. Then he leaves and the rest is history – the new “geniuses” run AIG into the ground – $170 billion bailout needed. So much for their hard work and talent. Sounds more like a bunch of overpaid dittoheads. But that’s capitalism for you – get behind the right leader and you too can pretend you “earned” everything you have and then look down and spit on everyone else.

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:41 am
    OMG says:
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    Ummmmmmm-Guess what Alphonse. Our taxes pay for unemployment and welfare benefits, and Now, AIG Salaries and Bonuses.

    So, because for whatever reason the newly unemployed people have for protesting, we not only pay for their “income” we do pay for AIG’s income as well, are they not all “welfare” recipients in a sense?

    Get over your stuffed shirt selves

  • March 23, 2009 at 1:42 am
    OMG says:
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  • March 23, 2009 at 4:20 am
    Doctor J says:
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    Doesn’t a grand tour bring up issues of privacy? I don’t believe anyone at AIG should get any bonuses based on the company performance – until it’s paid back everything the government gave it.

    Having a ‘drive by’ is very draconian and could amount to stalking.

  • March 24, 2009 at 7:23 am
    Mr. Jurney says:
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    The y came on busses, they came as a UNEMPLOYED UNIT,they came as trouble makers. The same group that is under investigation for voter fraud, the same group that forced the DODD & FRANK group to loan money to buy houses to folks who did not have jobs, money or the ability to pay back the loans.

    The name of the group is ACORN. Any more questions?

  • March 24, 2009 at 9:49 am
    Party Boss says:
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    What a bunch of cr?p! I’m not condoning what AIG did. These people want others to help “just because” they don’t have what someone else has? Let them work hard and educate themselves same way other do to grab a piece of the american dream. I’m not sharing!

  • March 24, 2009 at 12:21 pm
    roskin says:
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    how you all are so upset about a few unemployed protesters but seem to accept that the people who are responsible for this mess are recieving millions of $$ bonuses. They’re worried about retaining these employees – where the hell are they going to go?? A $3 million bonus is more likely to retire me than to retain me.

  • March 24, 2009 at 2:24 am
    if you only knew says:
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    ..where these people came from, it would all make perfect sense.

    To put it nicely, these are a bunch of welfare recipients using tax dollars and protesting a company that’s being kept on life support by….drumroll…..TAX DOLLARS.

    These ppl don’t have a pot to piss in and they’re out protesting in front of AIG ex’s homes. Unreal. Get a job and quit sponging off society. Just because you don’t feel the welfare benefits are enough to support a lifestyle you can’t afford, doesn’t mean you have the right to protest in front of peoples homes.

    They’re just bitter that they live in the ghetto and can’t afford a beachfront mansion in fairfield. Maybe if they actually had an education, they’d be able to get a good paying job which will afford a better life. Until they do so, they need to quit *****ing and acting like the world owes them a favor.

    Sorry, these types of ppl really bother me.

  • March 24, 2009 at 2:26 am
    Paulbdz says:
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    Actually, I think that if you did some research you’d probably find that these people are being victimized by the organizers with promises that showing up will force the government to take more moeny from the AIG types to give to them. It’s the organizers who are the ones with the real agenda here.

  • March 31, 2009 at 9:05 am
    Mike says:
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    Mrs. Jeffery…. you really want people to help you huh? Maybe you should help yourself and stop waiting for some miracle check to be deposited in your bank account. EVERYBODY is hurting right now but the logical ones know they have to do it themselves. Stop waiting for a handout…your the reason the country can’t overcome.

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