Delaware Diocese Weighs Selling Assets to Pay Abuse Settlements

May 18, 2009

  • May 18, 2009 at 11:33 am
    Joseph T. McConaghy says:
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    Anyone out there have any stat’s on location of the individual’s in charge of of the various Diocese today; who were in charge of “relocating” proported offender’s? My question centers around the extradition law’s between the US and Italy, more too the point, between US and the Vatican.

  • May 19, 2009 at 7:00 am
    wudchuck says:
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    so how far back does this law allow a lawsuit? it’s getting old that the catholic church allowed such atrocities.

  • May 19, 2009 at 8:52 am
    Miriam says:
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    The criminal “justice” system in this country is a joke. For everything else the statute is age 21 plus 2 years. In this circus, people are crawling out of the woodwork 30-40 years after the fact and only because its become vogue and offers a quick buck. Continued monetary settlements won’t increase the awareness of the Church that it had/has a problem. The Church has created a lottery system by making voluntary payments and the personal injury attorneys know it. Alleged plaintiffs should be required to prove they were injured in some way and that injury impacted their lives. They should also be required to show what steps they took to get counseling or treatment. Personally, I’d like to see one of these go to trial and get a “guilty” verdict with an award of $5.00.

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