Settlement of $3.4M Pending for False Conviction of Massachusetts Man

July 16, 2009

  • July 16, 2009 at 1:09 am
    wudchuck says:
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    “agreed to pay $3.4 million to settle a lawsuit filed by the estate of a man who spent 19 years in prison…”

    well, this is now 2009, and 8 yrs later, they have now almost settled. i know the estate is going to get the money. but is it truly fair to give that much? afterall, they probably did not have the dna process then to have cleared him from the incident. it’s a shame he lost 19 yrs and then died 6 months after he left prison. his estate, or probably his sister will wind up with the money, that is whatever is leftover from the lawyers share.

  • July 16, 2009 at 1:18 am
    Baxtor says:
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    19 years in prison for me would be worth $19 million. I think they got off cheap. I wonder what the jury saw that convicted this man. Thank goodness for DNA in our day and time.

  • July 16, 2009 at 2:13 am
    Evidence withheld says:
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    “Although a police fingerprint analyst had cleared Waters, this information was not shared with prosecutors or defense attorneys.”

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