Insurers See ‘Full Plate’ of Insurance Issues for Delaware Next Year

August 3, 2009

  • August 3, 2009 at 7:45 am
    Banking, Cars and Insurance says:
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    Did this say THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TO OVERSEE PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE? That sounds like a great idea. We need some additional oversee’ers. How will this department interact with the Office of National Insurance? Will the ONI begin writing all of the policies instead of the ISO? I can only assume rates will be regulated and everything will be covered!

  • August 4, 2009 at 3:28 am
    Claims Honcho says:
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    Yes, that’s right. And what’s more, all the state regulators will stay in place. Talk about an exercise in waste and duplication, especially in the case of the inane new puppet commissioner and her backers in Delaware.

  • August 4, 2009 at 2:41 am
    Better Believe A Full Plate! says:
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    Full Plate? More like a cheap chinese smorgasbord all you can eat for .99 cents. There’ll be eggrolls, crab rangoon and cashew chicken all over the place when this is over, and not just in Delaware folks! You’re gonna need all the fortune cookies you can eat.

    The insurance industry is the next meal of the Obama administration. I didn’t think he even liked Chinese food. He and his czars and kronies are blasting out at us “inshoreance people” every day!

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