Stakem Hornig Promoted to Deputy Commissioner in Maryland

August 26, 2009

  • August 27, 2009 at 3:26 am
    InsCtr says:
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    There could not have been a better choice. In fact, Stakem Hornig’s experience and credentials more than qualify her even for the commissioner’s position. Maryland obviously pays attention to qualifications, unlike Delaware who elected a totally uneducated liar (high school only, if that)with invented insurance experience to the commissioners office. Let’s see how long that one lasts. All best wishes to Karen Stakem Hornig.

  • August 28, 2009 at 2:27 am
    but is it legal? says:
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    You are right, she is a sharp attorney (despite lacking any insurance knowledge or background before joining the MIA) but doesn’t MD’s law only allow for one Deputy Commissioner? (very clearly authorizes “A (singlualr) deputy commissoner”) Beth Sammis already holds that position. Which is invested with the atautory responsibilities of the deupty? Who succeeds the commissioer if he leaves? Despite her qualifications, this promotion seems to disregard MD law and create more chiefs than nidians at a time when the budget is being cut and hiring is frozen across the state. I recall another commissioner attempting to have two dpeuties and being instructed that the law only allowed one. Shouldn’t ther person who enforces the Insurance law know this and respect it enough to follow it??

  • August 28, 2009 at 2:29 am
    but is it leagal? says:
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    Please excuse the typos. Typing way too fast will do that!

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