Connecticut Hospital Sued over Woman’s Suicide

September 17, 2009

  • September 17, 2009 at 12:01 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    now, would it have mattered if she stayed just one night? if she did, could it have been possible for her to have done this act down the road a few days later? how is a family going to know, especially if none of them are pyschiatrists, what will happen in the future? we can never know what someone will do.. we can’t predict!

  • September 17, 2009 at 12:29 pm
    Renata says:
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    I believe that her lack of responsibility in watching her grandson and leaving him alone in the bathtub and bathroom is the true cause of her suicidal thoughts and follow through.No doctor or hospital would ever have been able to stop this woman from taking her life over this.

    While it is a tragedy to loose a child and a parent at the same time, playing the blame card for the money pot will not bring them back, and surely not relieve their pain when it is over.

  • September 17, 2009 at 1:06 am
    Eli says:
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    Setting aside the fact that this woman would have done herself in at some point, hospitals aren’t baby sitting services. If the loving family was so concerned after she allowed her grandson to drown, why didn’t they have her stay overnight with them? Knowing she wasn’t playing with a full deck, they were negligent in allowing her to babysit a child. All of sudden they’re outraged and want to make some money over the death of their whack job relative. And how about the scumbag lawyer to took the case? There should be some sanctions for filing stupid lawsuits.

  • September 17, 2009 at 1:41 am
    Wake up says:
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    Come on people. They put her under a psychiatrist’s care because they were worried about her. I would think the hospital and the Dr should have some responsibility. That would be like one of you going into the hospital with sever stomach pain and the Dr just telling you to go lay down and not check back with you and your appendicts burst and you die. Would your loved ones say, “Well the Dr didn’t know it was that or the Dr couldn’t predict it would burst today, in a week or never. So we’re fine that you died.”

    That is the problem with people like you guys. No responsibility. The psychiatrist didn’t take their job seriously nor did the hospital. I’m sure they had more important things to do.

    Wake up America and we need to take responsibility. When we don’t we end up with politicians like we have today!

  • September 17, 2009 at 2:04 am
    temblor says:
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    Since when is it not the primary responsibility of the FAMILY to take care of their members? If they were so concerned, then they should have been watching her, or INSISTED she be admitted.

    They refused to even have somebody stay with her and watch her, then blame the emergency room Dr?

    Then sue him?


  • September 17, 2009 at 2:28 am
    wudchuck says:
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    here’s another problem w/that thought:

    personal responsibility – where is it that everyone else needs to be responsible? afterall, ER is not responsible. if she had problems, then the family should have taken her to a psych doctor. yes, it is a terrible loss for both sides.

    now, let’s look at another problem – malpractice = this is only going to drive their insurance rates and then it’s going to drive up the cost of the hospital for no reason. people are looking for big brother to fork over the money, instead of looking directly at themselves. down the road, you might not find any doctors taking care of anyone because we want to sue just because we are not getting any better. or we decide to do a thing that could be disruptive for families, like suicide.

  • September 18, 2009 at 12:10 pm
    know the facts says:
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    Folks, know your facts! this is a case of gross negligence and why people should not have their rights to sue taken away from them aka problem with CAPS! The Hospital has been fined by DPH for poor practices and this specific case was one of many cases investigated by and sighted by DPH as an example of poor hospital standards! This lady should never have been released under the circumstances…

  • September 18, 2009 at 12:14 pm
    CHAPLAIN AL says:
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    This woman accepted responsibility for her paart in the tragic event. She fully blamed herself – this is the point that the family members should have come to fully support her – crisis management in full focus. Many of our laws, that were designed for protection purposed, often limit the help to which an outside agency can act. The family has no such restrictions. It is obvious to me that this poor woman could see no resolution to this tragety and, had determined that by taking this way out she was balancing the scale. It is quite tragic that once a person has reach a real desire to take their own life, they do, and they will succeed at the earliest opportunity. Issues this great are so very hard to reconcile. The action of suing the hospital or the doctor must be out of rage or greed – The family should ask: Did I do all that I could? Could I have prevented the end result? A pocket full of money does nothing to bring a change the fact that two loved-ones died, celebrate their lives.

  • September 18, 2009 at 12:52 pm
    know the facts says:
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    Oh so you just lost your child and are now thinking so clearly that your worried about mom! whom you suspect may have been negligent and left the child unattended and your furious about that too! COME ON Get real!
    That is why they are called care givers! and that is why there is a thing call insurance to take care of true negligence cases not everything is about greed! The hospital was negligent and should be held accountable to high standards of CARE!

  • September 22, 2009 at 7:04 am
    wudchuck says:
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    problem is that reality belongs to the ones close to her first! they knew she had problems and they did not react.

    know the facts: um.. do you take action on those things around you? problem is that today’s society is so eager to sue thinking that there is always money on the other side, freely given. CARE – starts with those around closest to the individual. afterall, when we have kids who have a fever, do we take care of them first?! i know was an adult, but the same procedure applies!

    yes, we can grieve for the loss of two lives instead of one. loss of life in any case is not easy. my heart goes out to all the families concerned.

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