Few New Jersey Teens Comply with Driver Decal Law

May 5, 2010

  • May 5, 2010 at 12:47 pm
    Jdoe says:
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    Maybe they need to have the decals resemble cast members from “Jersey Shore” or “The Sopranos”.

    On second thought… FUHGEDABOUDIT…

  • May 5, 2010 at 12:58 pm
    Caldudenomore says:
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    You mean they will stop to ask for your papers even if you have not broken the law? Where is the outrage?! Where are the civil rights attys on this one?!


  • May 5, 2010 at 3:23 am
    DaddyOne@gmail.com says:
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    Is it any wonder, these pencil-necked pablum-pukers have no respect for anything or anyone & disobey the law.. a law enacted to help keep them safe ?
    And what about the parents ?
    They are supposed to monitor & MANDATE to these kids how those cars will be used ..when/where & the consequences if the kid misbehaves on the road?
    Instead we have the same old story of the parents not wanting to seem old-fashioned or “out-of-touch” and collapsing to the kids’ desires…”i don’t want the decal on my car..Johnnys parents don’t make him post it”
    Welcome to the “New” America

  • May 5, 2010 at 3:36 am
    Nerd of Insurance says:
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    In the defense of the parents, they can not be with the kids 100% of the time. Whats to stop junior from removing the decal when he is 5 blocks away? A parent can do everything they can to teach their kids whats right and wrong, but in the end, its the kid’s choice to either do the right thing or the wrong thing.

  • May 5, 2010 at 4:52 am
    Arizona says:
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    Where are the protestors across the country boycotting New Jersey? Isn’t this profiling? Next we’ll require a male sticker for boys and a female sticker for girls. Then we’ll have a brown one and a white one. Come-on America, if we are racial profiling to keep our citizens safe from the gangs coming into AZ raping and killing our citizens, then New Jersey is profiling younger drivers. I guess if you’re a legal citizen you have no rights, but if you came here illegally you have all the rights in the world.

  • May 6, 2010 at 7:44 am
    wudchuck says:
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    ok, let’s put up the fence!

    1) parents, they are responsible for their childrens actions. they should also be aware of how their kids use their vehicles. granted we as parents can’t be with them 100% of the time, but you need to have some knowledge of your child’s actions. yes, they need to learn right from wrong.

    2) fine $100, that is steep! hopefully that is only for when found driving w/o the tag. i bet that if you found other violations, they cost less. i think this fine is way too much. i think $25 for the first time, this will inform the parents to look at the situation. second time increase to $50 and thereafter to $100. remember in most cases no matter how small a ticket, it will show up on motor vehicle reports. eventually it will start increased in insurance premiums.

    3) detachable decals: are they also re-attachable? or a one-time use that can be easily removed, which means you’d have to buy another decal! which means, more money to the state. you would think that it is profiling and it’s not. how many of you realize that in a professional racing that the backend of the car is painted a different color just because he is a rookie! it gives you a heads up just that because he does not have enough experience to understand all the different nuisances. it gives the officer a chance to make sure that the teenager is abiding by the law. would you not want that anyways? my concern would be, if it’s detachable, that i can drive my car w/o the profiling as a parent. now, here’s something that many may have not thought of: what if we went out as a family and after dinner or the ballgame, we allowed our son/daughter to drive the family home. are we going to have add that detachable sign? again, that goes back to, is that same sign not only detachable, but can it retach? i would not want to keep spending money on something that the NJ Lawmakers truly made more of a headache than ease.

    but let’s face it, what happens with personal accountability? your child given the keys to your car, you need to install in them the urgency of care, custody, and control of the car. rules of the road are abided including those extra based on being a teenager! either way, parent is utimately responsible!

  • May 6, 2010 at 7:46 am
    Reed says:
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    Don’t blame the immature, irresponsible teenage punks; blame their immature irresponsible parents. How dare they defy a law aimed at protecting both their kids and the general public. The parents are the ones who need a lesson in civics. Any teenager caught driving a vehicle without one of these stickers should be ticketed, and the vehicle impounded until the parents appear in court to explain why they didn’t comply. Our civilization is on a fast track to reverting to un-civilization when citizens do what they damn well please.

  • May 6, 2010 at 9:49 am
    Parent of teens says:
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    What the law does is take away the parental authority. Based on this law, provisional drivers must be off the road by 11 pm. So your 17 to 21 yr old or even you if you are a provisional driver can no longer go to a movie on Friday or Sat night because they can’t drive after 11. This law not only lets cops target kids, which they already do in some TWPs, but also lets molesters target young girls. The reasomn there wasn’t protests was that the citizens were not informed of the law until after it became effective. So what it has done is made a lot of law abiding citizens criminals because they will not subject their kids to a bad law. This isn’t about protecting kids, becasue if kids are found negilgent, parents can always take the keys to the car. It’s about making additional money for the the state and twps.

  • May 6, 2010 at 12:59 pm
    Angie says:
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    If the owner of the car is not a teenager, does the decal have to be on the car. If the family owns 2 or more vehicles, does each car the teenager may possible drive need the decal?

  • May 6, 2010 at 1:33 am
    wudchuck says:
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    even if the parents own the veh, according the previous articles on this, the decal needs to be there…but then again, they said this is a detachable decal, concern, is it retachable? i, as a parent, would not want to be profiled as a teenager with folks in my vehicle. if i got pulled over just because i was over 18 and had folks in my vehicle, do i get the right to sue the state for pulling me over based on the decal? if i detach the decal, we purchased and then my son needs to use the other vehicle, can it be reattached to mom’s because i am using her car this time to goto the movies? this law, although can have good merit to it, but then creates several loopholes because it was not thought out-of-the-box…

  • May 6, 2010 at 2:08 am
    Ellie says:
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    I’m proud of the non violent way teenagers are protesting this new law. its not like they are attacking the lawmakers, or threatening violence. They just won’ put the decal on their car, nor will their parents. They view it as a violation of their rights, as discriminatory, and as potentially dangerous to their health. While I feel for the mother who lost her daughter this is not the way to protect teens. You need to give them more instruction, and make the parents take more of an interest. Not limit their practice. When they turn 18, will they have one person in the car? No, they’ll have six, probably loud screaming classmates. This is just another law pushed through by a parent mad at the world for her daughter’s death. I would not be surprised if it got repealed, nor am I surprised at the continuance of the long standing tradition of civil disobedience by young adults.

  • May 8, 2010 at 5:10 am
    MVCworkwr says:
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    I’ll answer your questions. The decals are removeable, and reattachable. They use 3m “dual lock”. The decals are in two pieces, the “back” piece has adhesive and sticks to the plate, and then there is the devalued piece. Both pieces have velcro like material. So the decals can be taken on and off, but can NOT be moved from car to car. And your second question, the drivers are limited to one passenger, unless their parent or guardian are in the car. The decals must be displayed at all times the probationary driver is behind the wheel.

  • May 10, 2010 at 7:12 am
    wudchuck says:
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    cool… my only concern, is if he primarily uses mom’s car for errands and such, but then decides to ask me to use my car, we would need to purchase another decal. this would offend me because that means more out of my pocket.

  • May 10, 2010 at 8:15 am
    mvcworker says:
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    Unfortunately yes, you would have to purchase a second set

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