Sickened Sept. 11 Workers Agree to Revised $712 Million Settlement

June 11, 2010

  • June 11, 2010 at 12:42 pm
    Sad says:
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    So lets see, $712 million minus 25% divided by 10,000 1st responders means each gets an average of $53,400, yet the lawyers walk away with $178,000,000.
    This just isn’t fair.

  • June 11, 2010 at 12:52 pm
    Don says:
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    you’re right, Sad; it ain’t fair.
    the liars …I mean lawyers fees are outrageous.
    but there are some who will ask, -what could the group have received without lawyers to pursue this ?
    the REAL issue is that the City, State, and FEDERAL authorities gave the site a clean bill of health allowing the men to come in for recovery work, when the site was bad…REAL BAD.
    You could smell the nasty smell from blocks away

  • June 11, 2010 at 1:18 am
    A new concept says:
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    Wouldn’t it be nice if the demons who casued the destruction were held accountable by the international council, and their country held accountable, with money paid to the victims from the country/countries/organizations who breed terrorism and perpetrate ruin. That should be a right of citizens all over the world, in an age where certain groups feel justified in targeted mass destruction.

  • June 11, 2010 at 1:26 am
    Rabbits for Sale says:
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    It was horrible. Not the dust from the fire, cement and asbestos but the rest of the smells.

    It was as if a thousand dumpsters behind delis were left out in the heat of summer. And the worst of it was that old girlfriends, bosses, co-workers and drinking buddies were amongst the lost and dead and never-to-be-found, and you couldn’t believe that they were the cause of the odor. Or didnt’t want to believe it.

    Each morning when the PATH train pulls into the WTC site and the wheels shriek, it sounds like the screams of hundreds of souls. And working several floors above and overlooking the ‘pit’ will never seem normal.

  • June 14, 2010 at 12:39 pm
    Social Justice says:
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    I believe that your “wouldn’t it be nice” request is “SOCIAL JUSTICE”. It makes a lot more sense that the social justice rhetoric that we are all hearing so much about.

    And yes lawyers have some value, but NOT 25% of the settlement. Good for the judge standing up to the 30% and then giving more to the plaintiffs. What did the lawyers really do to deserve $178,000,000?

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