Vermont Sees Growth in Number of Captive Insurers

July 22, 2010

  • July 22, 2010 at 2:02 am
    Just Joe says:
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    Good for Vermont. The growth comes from excellent management, superior expertise and integrity of the department’s professionals, and an honest and well-qualified commissioner. Although Delaware is bragging about supposed growth after they threw out top-notch Bill White to make room for unfortunately elected incompetent Karen Weldin Stewart’s cronies at twice Bill’s pay, the state’s captive department has nothing to show so far for the money it spent on salaries and other expenses like fancy off-site offices. Too bad Stewart and her enabler chief of staff Elliott Jacobson managed to convince inquiring legislators that things weren’t really all that bad. More inquiries into the the questionable practices at Delaware’s captive department resulted in Stewart supposedly demoting Jacobson, although word is that he’s still in that position and the “demotion” was just for show and to take the onus off Stewart. Well, it’s Delaware after all, so we pretty much have to expect corruption.

  • July 22, 2010 at 3:27 am
    JOE DELAWARE says:
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    Delaware Rocks!

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