Report: New Jersey Motorcycle Deaths Drop

November 24, 2010

  • November 24, 2010 at 1:56 am
    Wayne says:
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    The helmet law seems to be working as motorcycle deaths dropped in 2009 to levels not seen since 2005. So how come the helmet law didn’t work in 2006, 2007 and 2008? The truth is, it has nothing to do with wearing a helmet, it is awareness. 1. More motorcycles are on the road and people are more aware of them. 2. Safety improvements have occurred on the motorcycles themselves; like headlights that are always on and the strobe effect of headlights on higher end bikes making them more visible. 3. More motorcycles means more bikers riding together, although a decrease in safety in some respects, an increase in safety when cars are involved because the multiple number of headlights look like the configuration you may see from a car or truck getting more respect from car drivers.

    Now, I am not saying don’t wear a helmet, I would never ride without one but don’t try and say they are responsible for fewer deaths when it simply isn’t so (the possibility exists that they cause accidents by limiting peripheral vision).

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