Pennsylvania Considers Tort Reform

By | February 18, 2011

  • February 18, 2011 at 3:55 pm
    Suze says:
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    I hope they raise the minimum liability while they’re at it.

    • February 22, 2011 at 1:44 pm
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      Raising the minimum auto limits in Pennsylvania is a top legislative priority for IA&B this session. Stay tuned….

  • February 20, 2011 at 8:53 am
    Former Status Quo says:
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    Worst logic ever:
    Cooper said Pennsylvania’s current system is more fair. By making one defendant liable for all defendants’ action — as is the case currently — the system is designed to ensure victims are compensated, and leaves the becomes the responsibility, time and expense for defendants to sue each other to recoup money if they feel they’ve overpaid.

    Tort reform is the way to go: with this proposed package there would one law suit naming all the defendants and be done with it. The current system of having a single party bear the whole judgment and then sue the other parties after the fact only creates more lawsuits and further clogs up the system. The fact that they are threatening that they will bring in more defendants is irrelevant because they already sue everyone under the sun when something happens.

    The plaintiffs bar makes me sick. I love how the argument is always in the name of the “injured” party, when in reality it’s to line their own pockets. As part of any tort reform package, it should be written that if the plaintiff does not win then their attorney’s don’t get paid and they pay the court costs incurred by all parties. And in cases where they do win, the plaintiff keeps 75-80% of the winnings and the attoryney’s pay gets cut in half.

  • February 22, 2011 at 8:48 am
    dave says:
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    I wonder if Scott Copper was able to maintain a straight face throughout the interview. I mean seriously, you can’t help but laugh at the audacity, the sense of entitlement and the ‘poor me’ attitude.

    I love how they feel they will have to drag the agents into it (wtf?) because despite having the most lopsided verdicts; they feel that they’ll have to have more defendants to pay the bill if liability is divided equally. We really need a ‘loser pays’ tort reform nationwide.

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