Ex-Rhode Island Insurance Adjuster Seeks to Avoid Prison

November 19, 2011

  • November 21, 2011 at 1:28 pm
    Erik says:
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    I think his professional status should be taken into account and he should be charged worse than a normal person committing such a crime. Inside knowledge of the industry most likely helped him get away with filing his false claims in a easier fashion than non-industry knowledgable person would have. Why do you think the radio personality went to him in the first place?

  • November 21, 2011 at 4:49 pm
    LP says:
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    While I agree that he should be dwelt with and that he should be held to a higher degree than an average non insurance person, I cannot imagine why he would get 85 years for a $40,000 fraud. I must be missing something here. You can commit murder and manslaughter and get less time.

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