Markel Announces New Director of Casualty Facultative in Virginia

October 16, 2012

Richmond, Va.-headquartered Markel Corporation appointed Ann Marie O’Flynn director and underwriter within its casualty facultative product line.

Ann Marie O'Flynn
O’Flynn has over 15 years of casualty facultative and reinsurance experience. She comes to Markel after two years with Lexington Insurance as vice president and reinsurance officer. Previous to her time at Lexington, she held positions at Everest Reinsurance, Swiss Reinsurance, and General Re.

Markel underwrites facultative reinsurance on behalf of Evanston Insurance Company and Markel Insurance Company, and has been approved as a facultative reinsurance market by over 140 ceding companies. Markel’s casualty facultative business is transacted through reinsurance intermediaries.

Markel Corporation is a diverse financial holding company serving a variety of niche markets. The company’s principal business markets and underwrites specialty insurance products.

Topics Virginia Reinsurance Casualty

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