N.Y. Gov. Cuomo Says Long Island Hit Hardest by Sandy Power Outages

October 31, 2012

  • October 31, 2012 at 7:33 pm
    Paul Pajaken says:
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    I am forced to say that LIPA has had fourty or more years to start placing ALL electric lines underground. They have never even started to do this work that is so badly needed. They will just use this as an excuse to raise rates on everyone so they can all get raises. It makes me sick that it never changes. All the politicians are interested in is the next election and the ways they can scam the public. We have to have term limits for everyone in office regardless of party or qualifications. And no more pensions for serving one term in office or any amounts of time serving. If they want to gain office to serve the public then they must not be in it for the money or perks they can get.Depending on the office they must be paid the MAXIMUM of $100,000. per year and that’s for the top office in the state. No more earning retirement pay for any office held by vote from the public. And on top of that we want the government jobs that were filled since 08 be revoked and done away with. We MUST downsize the entire government to 2006 levels. God Bless America

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