New York Senators Seek Fracking Delay to Await Key Study

March 7, 2013

  • March 7, 2013 at 3:07 pm
    Rusty says:
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    Study after study has not revelaed any real danger from fracking, so now we have another delay while NY tries to find some obscure study to support the environmentalists’ claims of damage. It’s just an example of a pre-determined conclusion looking for support. Meanwhile, other states like PA are enjoying the windfall with little, if any, dicscernable damage to the environment and I am sure they are watching that very carefully, too. How is it that special interest groups like this get to essentially dictate NY policy that affects so many (actually, one way or another, virtually all) people in the state? Are these groups effectively an unelected, shadow government? Why don’t the rest of us have a say in this at, perhaps the voting booth? Oh, I forgot, these days its government of, by and for special interest groups – the general public be damned – we just get to pay the bill.

    • March 7, 2013 at 8:21 pm
      Mary Zill says:
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      Amen-I couldn’t have said it better myself.

      Whoever screams the loudest steers the government. Unless,(and I am hopeful that this is the case,) Cuomo is throwing the anti-drillers a great big bone, publicizing the fact that he spoke to RFK junior, postpone drilling yet again to make it look as if he left no stone unturned. When NY finally drills, the antis will be moderately appeased. I can’t believe he caved.

  • March 7, 2013 at 3:19 pm
    Jack J maniscalco says:
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    It has been confirmed, NYS is one “fracking” place to try to do business.

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