The Hanover Insurance Group Q3 Profit Rises 52% to $61M

October 31, 2013

  • November 1, 2013 at 10:17 am
    Cameron says:
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    We’ve represented Hanover since the mid-90’s and they’ve recently become so out of line with the prices in our area right now that they’re almost not even an option anymore. We’re in southern NY and I’d say 7 or 8 times out of 10 they get beat by our other carriers, or from an outside carrier. Not to mention that they decline roughly 85% of the commercial business we try to bring them. Glad to see they’re doing well, but it has to be in other places. Very frustrating working with them recently.

  • January 2, 2014 at 4:33 pm
    Marylou M. Sundt says:
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    Entire claim was delayed for 90 days and then a week before Christmas they declined my entire valid claim because they stated that my injuries were pre existing even though I had a closed head injury, broken thumb and exacerbated neck and shoulder injuries. I also sustained a hearing loss due to new tinnitus in my right ear and loss of taste and smell due to a concussion and have a lifting restriction due to my fractured thumb and can no longer perform the duties of my job as an audio/video tech. The adjuster was so aggressive that he told my massage therapist 2 days before I was notified in writing by registered mail that my entire claim was being denied and that she should set up a repayment schedule with me because they weren’t paying for anything. It states in the Michigan pip statutes that aggravated and exacerbated pre existing injuries are the responsible of the first party insurer and I have paid for Citizens to be my primary medical insurer. They paid for part of my emergency room visit and I paid the $300 deductible and then they stopped paying immediately and have not paid my wage loss, mileage, doctors visits, etc. and delayed for 3 months even though my doctor wrote a letter stating that my injuries were exacerbated and aggravated and my neurologist stated that I did in fact sustain a concussion and that my post mva concussion headaches arose out of my auto accident. No wonder they are #1 in profits because they don’t pay valid claims. I should not be required to hire an attorney to get the benefits I am due and will be sending a letter to the insurance commissioner and have filed a claim with the better business bureau.

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