U.S. Sen. Toomey Cites Pennsylvania Residents Losing Health Insurance

By | November 8, 2013

  • November 8, 2013 at 1:26 pm
    Scott R says:
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    Just another benefit of DemocratCare, if you like the plan you have, too bad. What was it Congressman Grayson (D-FL) said, “…hurry up and die…”. Hmmm, maybe he actually read the bill.

  • November 8, 2013 at 1:36 pm
    Cheetoh Mulligan says:
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    It seems to me that politicians are not held accountable for anything they say to get elected or re-elected anymore. “You can keep your current policy” “The health exchanges will be up and running by 10/1” “Coverage will be less costly” Lies, lies, lies…

  • November 8, 2013 at 2:35 pm
    PM says:
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    Good points. The scary part of this is that by next election, there will be some derranged form of “normal”. People will not remember how bad this is, the reason it is this bad, the impact it will have on the economy, etc., and will reelect these idiots!!

  • November 8, 2013 at 3:25 pm
    Original Bob says:
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    What he meant to say – “If we like your policy, you can keep it, period”

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