N.J. Gov. Says He Understands Sandy Victims’ Frustration

By | February 6, 2014

  • February 6, 2014 at 2:24 pm
    Agent says:
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    Hey Chris, when you hugged the President right after Sandy hit, he pledged to cut the red tape and get the aid right out. Are you part of the gullible crowd that believed what the man said? 15 months later????? About the same time ago we had Benghazi and no answers to that issue either.

  • February 6, 2014 at 2:42 pm
    jack says:
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    Wait until Obamacareless kicks in. You think people are pissed now? When people start to die because of the lack of doctors and all the red tape, its going to get real for people. At least 50% of them anyway.

  • February 6, 2014 at 2:44 pm
    InsGuy says:
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    Oh yeah, Chris. How’s your house looking? Elevation project going ok? Did you get any money for that? How’s your NFIP premium?

    you betcha/fully-funded, and
    Oh-I have a politician get-out-of-jail free card, so my policy is free…

    would, be my guesses.

    You may be our only hope in 2016, so why don’t you do everybody a favor – switch now and beat Hillbillary in the primary (that’s if you don’t mysteriously vanish before then).

  • February 6, 2014 at 4:11 pm
    txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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    I feel your pain NJ so now I will close lanes on this bridge. Then I will deny anything happened. After that, I’m going down South where are fatties go to hang out. That’s until I rat on Reince Priebus for being behind all this. Screw eating this leg of lamb, I’m going to eat the whole lamb. Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom

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