Speed Camera Tickets Bring Nearly $17M in Revenue for NYC

March 31, 2015

  • March 31, 2015 at 1:22 pm
    Mickey Dee says:
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    With all the traffic and red lights in NYC, I am surprised that it is possible to speed there.

  • March 31, 2015 at 2:45 pm
    Realist says:
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    Free money!

  • March 31, 2015 at 2:51 pm
    Robert Trotta says:
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    Oh boy! I hope Gov. Malloy of CT doesn’t see this or we’ll have cameras on EVERY light in the state! He doesn’t know what to do next for income! Talking about bringing back tolls! YIKES!

  • April 3, 2015 at 1:39 pm
    LinuxGuy says:
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    All this is a gimmick of poor traffic engineering and predatory enforcement. It has to be setup to ticket safe drivers. Who cares if they have to pay or crashes go up? Who cares if the wrong guy is even cited? Who cares if there are errors?

    So when the light is too short, people are cited a split-second after it changes, for stopping over the stop line, or a non-complete stop for a right-on-red turn, who can defend this setup?

    All you need are speed limits set to the 85th percentile free-flowing traffic speed, longer yellows, decent length all-red intervals, and sensors to keep an all-red in someone enters late. No crashes! Can also sync lights and use sensors to change them and know where cars are.

    Add to this the speed cameras where the limits are too low, as well as tickets just barely over the limit. Heck, a guy in Baltimore was going 57 mph, while SITTING at a light! Hmmm?

    Then we have the stop-arm cameras, but wait, school buses are the ones running kids over per governmental data, not other cars.

    Check out the National Motorists Association for unbiased driving info.

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