Amtrak Train Crash Victims Face $200M Injuries Cap Under Federal Law

By | May 15, 2015

  • May 15, 2015 at 2:07 pm
    Original Bob says:
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    Add amounts available from work comp, life, health, disability and other miscellaneous insurance policies to the $200 million (approximately 200 cases averages 1 million apiece) available from Amtrak it looks like a reasonable amount to compensate victims. (the person with the traumatic brain injury is only asking for $150,000) – Oops I forgot to take out the 35% ($70,000,000) for the lawyers. Never mind.

    • May 15, 2015 at 2:42 pm
      Agent says:
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      Original, do you remember 9/11 on the claims filed for that from Workers Compensation, Health Insurance, Life, Disability and miscellaneous insurance policies? It was astronomical and I am sure many are still receiving benefits almost 14 years later.

  • May 18, 2015 at 2:37 pm
    louie says:
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    The sharks are already circling. They are starting to air commercials from law firms in the Philly area asking “Have you been hurt or affected by the Amtrak crash?”

    It’s sick.

  • May 18, 2015 at 6:20 pm
    boonedoggle says:
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    I don’t know if Pennsylvania has a cap on wrongful death claims, but from earnings potential alone, some of the survivor’s claims could be substantial. Additionally, the value of the claims of the passengers still hospitalized in critical condition could be almost catastrophic. With the number of potential litigants involved, I would find no alternative to a court directed facility to apportion the $200 million available. The downside to court directed settlements is that the process will take a lot of time. The upside is that the court will likely have the authority to greatly limit contingent fee amounts to lawyers.

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