Massive Copper Theft in NYC Latest Example of Troubling Trend Nationwide

By Jake Pearson and | June 3, 2015

  • June 3, 2015 at 1:46 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
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    Does anyone know how much 300 pennies weigh?
    A slap on the wrist won’t stop them. Jail time should be mandatory for this type of crime.

  • June 3, 2015 at 3:16 pm
    UW Supreme says:
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    By my calculations, 300 pennies that are dated post-1982 should be about 1.65347 lbs and dated pre-1982 should be about 2.11644 lbs….but maybe your question was rhetorical.

  • June 3, 2015 at 9:52 pm
    County Line says:
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    The scrap recycle yards are all too often just as guilty as the bastards out there stealing the metals from private and public structures. After all, when some guy shows up at the yard to cash in (for example) a pickup load of bronze statues, it is common sense the statues didn’t just climb out of a dumpster into the guy’s pickup. Rarely are works like that just thrown to the recyclers. Go after the scrap yards NOW. Stop the demand at the yards, and that will stop a lot of their illicit field-thieves from supplying them.

  • June 4, 2015 at 11:06 am
    V says:
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    That’s right Senator Chucky, make everything a Federal crime and that solves the problem doesn’t it? How is that working for you on the decades long War on Drugs? Why should this be any different? Of course the real answer would be to go after the MTA inside employees, who are controlling this crime, with their intimate system knowledge. This, will simply not happen as that would would show up the incompetent MTA management and corrupt union employees involved, and they are both very well protected.

  • June 5, 2015 at 10:10 am
    Steve says:
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    Reminds me of a funny experience a few years ago. Was on a bowling league and had one teammate who I always thoguht was a little squirrely.
    While watching the TV news one evening his face (mugshot) flashed across the screen. He had been arrested for trying to sell to a metal scrapyard a bronze warship bell that had been stolen from a public park display. Local scrapyards had been alerted by law enforcement to be on the lookout for the historical bronze piece.
    They were waiting for the dummy when he showed up to collect his bounty.

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