Maryland to Appeal FEMA Denial of Millions in Riot Disaster Aid

July 8, 2015

  • July 9, 2015 at 12:31 pm
    steve says:
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    good. I hope they don’t cave in and use my tax dollars to cover the damages caused by the communities own citizens.

  • July 9, 2015 at 2:14 pm
    Puzzled in PA says:
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    to steve: I would agree. This was generated by Baltimore police, occurred in Baltimore, enlarged by Baltimore district attorney to the detriment of Baltimore’s population. How is it that the Fed’s are now involved? Oh, yeah, they have more money to throw at it. If it would fix the problem for good, there might be some sense to it.

  • July 9, 2015 at 2:37 pm
    integrity matters says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    Hmmm…I wonder if FEMA would have provided the money to a Democratic Governor??? I can’t help but think that Hogan’s perspective on the current administration has something to do with it.

    I am not saying they should. However, they are not consistent with their response in the past. In the 1993 riots in LA, they doled out $117MM. Of course, there was more damage and is a HUGE liberal state.

    • July 9, 2015 at 5:25 pm
      Agent says:
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      Integrity, no one is to blame but the Mayor and DA in Baltimore. They are Baltimorons. Now, they have fired the black Police Chief. They deserve to be denied funds.

  • July 9, 2015 at 7:30 pm
    norkik says:
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    I thought Fema was for natural disasters. How can they ask for Fema help for this sort of thing? Outrageous, that they are looking for government handouts for this.

  • September 23, 2015 at 2:20 pm
    Edward Lindemann says:
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    The Mayor and the other powers to be should have had all of the gear and man power ready for activation, and squashed down anything other then a peaceful demonstration. F.E.M.A. monies are for disasters not poor planning. they threw the police commissioner under the bus.

    • September 23, 2015 at 4:22 pm
      Agent says:
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      Edward, when you have a Progressive Democratic administration, you have ineptitude, corruption, waste and agenda. Baltimore has had Democratic rule for decades now and look where they are. They are on the same page as Detroit and Chicago for having the worst run cities in America.

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