Insurers Paid $12.9M in Claims Stemming From Baltimore Riot

August 26, 2015

  • August 27, 2015 at 1:51 pm
    ScottR says:
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    Not much hope those responsible will be held to account. In fact I believe most were let out of jail and can’t be prosecuted due to some legal loophole. Certainly they would be unable to make restitution anyway. But what really makes me upset is that there isn’t a single outdoor basketball hoop left in my neighborhood. Not because of the riots but because we’ve just let it happen over the course of time.

    When was it that we as a community agreed to allow petty destruction of property to go unchallenged? Could it be that our tolerance of such lawlessness encouraged the greater lawlessness we witnessed during the riots? Let’s not forget who the rioters where, many where children.

    Why have we for so long been unwilling to confront simple childhood vandalism? Have we been rendered impotent by the treat of lawsuit?

    I don’t care anymore, I’m sick of it! Do we really have to pay hundreds of dollars so our children can enter indoor basketball leagues? No! I’m fixing the basketball courts closest to my home this weekend and my kids and I are going to play basketball, outdoors and for free. These are our neighborhoods. They are ours and we are proud of them and willing to sacrifice for them.

  • August 27, 2015 at 2:03 pm
    Chuck says:
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    As long as our political leaders condone rioting (stealing and vandalizing) as a form of racial protest with no repercussions (jail time), this will continue. And we wonder why insurance companies don’t want to write in major cities?

  • August 27, 2015 at 2:48 pm
    Integrity matters says:
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    ScottR: There are so many causes of today’s moral breakdown of society. Lack of parental awareness and guidance; fatherless households; reliance on and feelings of entitlement to gov’t handouts are some of the biggest.

    Obama’s “hope and change” was really “dope and more of the same”. He instituted even more govt handouts instead of encouraging people to take pride and care of themselves. I’ve said it before, the govt programs are a form of economic slavery. People of any race will never get out of their current situation if they only rely on the govt for their sustenance.

    Yet, for some reason, the people held down in these circumstances still vote for the people that are keeping them there. (See Einstein’s definition of insanity)

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