N.J. Gov. Opposes Driver’s Licenses for Undocumented Immigrants

November 18, 2015

  • November 18, 2015 at 1:53 pm
    Common Sense says:
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    It’s nice to see this governor has some common sense. This is how it started in California – the illegal immigrants were allowed drivers licenses and id cards. Then a year later, they pass the “motor voter” law and automatically register everyone to vote! So yes, illegal immigrants will be voting in future elections. Do you want the California Electoral Votes to count? The California DMV cannot determine who is legal and who is not legal… It’s so dispicable!

    • November 20, 2015 at 4:51 pm
      Jack Kanauph says:
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      Gov. Christie is correct. If you are not here legally and documented, why should you get the privileges that documented people get? They are working and being paid in cash. Therefore there are no taxes being taken out to pay for benefits. Employers should be caught and fined for this as well. It creates unfair competition when bidding for jobs. And who pays when an undocumented gets hurt and there is no WC for them? Taxpayers. Just go get documented; it isn’t all that difficult.

  • November 18, 2015 at 2:30 pm
    agent2 says:
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    “The legislation is important because so many immigrants in New Jersey need a car to get to work”

    If they aren’t here legally, why are they working here?

    • November 19, 2015 at 8:44 am
      Bill says:
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      Because… there are many jobs that citizens refuse to do. Oh…like working long, back breaking days picking fruits and vegetables under a hot sun (at min wage or less). You know, the fruits and vegetable you like to eat but complain if the prices get high? Or in some states, some types of construction jobs that no one wants. How about landscaping? Would you spend 12+ hour days at minimum wage (or less) doing back breaking labor? Most American citizens won’t. Many of the people you seeing doing these thankless jobs are immigrants and many are illegal. They do these jobs because they are often paid under the table. The employers hire them because they are cheap and don’t require benefits. They can also “let them go” on the spot for no reason (they are illegally employed so employers aren’t going to follow other employment laws).

      So you may not like illegal immagrants, but it is more complex than simply “ship them all back to where they came from”. Our economy relies on them more than most Americans realize (or at least let on that they realize).

      • November 19, 2015 at 9:49 am
        agent2 says:
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        Bill, yours is the typical left line. You see, I am not left. I am almost 60 and I can afford a landscaper but I do ALL my own work. I will pay higher prices for a better economy. And maybe the left will teach their kids they have to work hard to get ahead. who bussed tables & did all that stuff when I was young? we did. Yes 12 hour days. And around here? illegals don’t get minimum for that work. They get much more especially if it’s skilled trade. yes maybe under the table.

        This BS has been overlooked for far too long. Legal has meaning unless you overlook it. So you like illegal then, right?

        • November 20, 2015 at 1:50 pm
          Ron says:
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          It may be a left line, but it is true.

          You may be in the position to pay higher prices, but most Americans are not so fortunate. In my opinion, some of our biggest health concerns stem form the already high prices of fresh fruits and vegetables compared to canned and other processed foods. Now, you want even higher prices on fresh fruits and vegetables?

          It is not just the left who has lazy kids. I don’t see the trust fund babies out picking produce or bussing tables.

          Stop with the divisive language.

        • November 20, 2015 at 5:01 pm
          Agent says:
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          Agent2, I see you have been attacked by the left for divisive language. Ha,Ha,Ha. These people voted for the most divisive President in history and some did it twice so pay them no mind.

          • November 23, 2015 at 4:58 pm
            confused says:
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            i do not think you know what ‘attacked’ really means

      • November 19, 2015 at 11:45 am
        Agent says:
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        Simple question Bill. Are you in favor of Kate’s Law which would put an illegal alien in jail for a minimum of 5 years if he committed a felony, was deported and came back illegally? Your reply will tell us all we need to know about your stance.

    • November 19, 2015 at 11:41 am
      Agent says:
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      agent2, they are here because we don’t enforce our Immigration Laws, ICE doesn’t deport them. How do employers use them if they don’t have a valid Social to pay payroll taxes. My guess is that many work and get paid off the books with cash for the cheaper labor costs. How do they get entitlements? Baffling!

      • November 19, 2015 at 4:58 pm
        agent2 says:
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        Bingo Agent!
        All we have to do is use “e-verify”…remember that? Have ICE check a few worksites here and there and pretty soon, employers wouldn’t take the risk of hiring illegals and a big part of the problem would solve itself.

        • November 20, 2015 at 10:14 am
          Agent says:
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          Bingo Agent 2. Of course ICE would have to bring a big bus to the worksite to load up the illegals and take them back to the border.

          As an agent, I have seen numerous claims in the past 10 years where the other party was at fault. Between 25-40% of the time, the other party was Hispanic, not legal, no license, no insurance and they did substantial damage and even injured my insured. U/M had to pay the claim with no hope of subrogation. It is disgusting and the loss goes on the record of the agency with the carrier and hurts the Loss Ratio.

    • November 19, 2015 at 11:24 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Because there are employers here who like to hire them, that’s why. Want to stop the flow of illegal immigration? You don’t need a wall with a big beautiful door. You need to start severely punishing the employers who hire them.

  • November 18, 2015 at 3:20 pm
    concernednj says:
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    Driving is a ‘privilege’ in the state of NJ, not a right of passage just because you need a car to go to work. It’s unfortunate that we choose PC over common sense. For whatever reason they may have had to come to the US illegally, it still is not fair for the many others who went through the proper channels to come here and assimilate to our culture. Many of the illegal immigrants are not that interested in assimilation – not that interested in even speaking English. So why should they be given the ‘privilege’? It’s a tough line, but it’s time we drew that line to preserve our culture and economy.

  • November 19, 2015 at 2:02 pm
    Nadia says:
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    I think that all those entrepreneurs, including constructions companies and farmers, have a good deal on these immigrants if they stay undocumented because they won’t have the taxes employers burden, and they would pay a lower wage than the cost of living arrangements to these immigrants. It could be a profit on the company. The downside of this, is that the immigrant won’t buy a bar of soap to clean himself or his clothes,and similar saving on his daily expenses, like to the food, buying expired cans of food that are less expensive, just to stay on budget.
    All of this has huge consequences on the health, not only of the immigrant, but spreading of the rest of the population,desease don’t look at social status, and contaminations can come from everywhere if a good healthy hygiene is not taken for reasons of povervy and ignorance, that these company savings on employees may procure; imagine swimming in the same pool…

  • November 19, 2015 at 2:06 pm
    BS says:
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    I can’t say I disagree. A US drivers license is a government-issued document that should be reserved for legal residents of the US.

    After a little google-ing, I found information on International Driver Permits. With it, a person should be able to drive in other countries as long as they have a valid license from their home country. Why aren’t these being utilized instead?


    • November 19, 2015 at 3:08 pm
      InsGuy says:
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      If you think this about driver education, safety or insurance you’re being naive. Someone above from CA above nailed it, it’s about automatic voter registration. Maybe not in 1 year or even 2.

      As long as they can stall the voter id reqmt long enough by shouting racism, they’ll get their licenses and it will be too late to do anything about the registration piece. Classic lib switch & bait.

  • November 19, 2015 at 2:14 pm
    Nadia says:
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    It is very convenient for entrepreneur to keep their prefered workers in the shadow. They would avoid taxes and workers minimal wages to these immigrants that are willing to accept any condition to get a job and send their moneys to South America where the currency is at their advantages, just to build a house for example. the down side of this situation, is that living inm the US at those saving rates, they spread diseases in every community, getting ill themself for a lack of hygiene. They would save on bars of soaps, they would save in vaccum cleaning, they would save in food, buying expered cans for a lower cost, just to save to the max, and not enjoy the comfort in the us, they are thinking to save to the extreme for their retirement in their native homeland, consequently they don’t even go to schools to learn english or clean habits that are very different in an industrial society than in the jungles that are out there. Conclusion, we as english must learn Spanish, and get colonized by diseases, illness, and poverty.The entrepreneurs don’t care about these sociological consequences, he made is profit, and left us his hamburg and his ashtrays full.

    • November 19, 2015 at 4:56 pm
      Agent says:
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      Nadia, there is a very healthy market for forged drivers licenses, Socials, Passports etc in the border states. Once they are in, they are not deported. By the way, we arrested 6 on the border with Mexico today with fake Syrian passports. I don’t think they came here to sight see, do you? Trump was very right on this issue.

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