Sudden Collapse of Health Co-Op in N.Y. Leaves Doctors Owed Millions

By | November 30, 2015

  • November 30, 2015 at 1:35 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
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    “Causing Headaches” for others pretty much sums up Obama’s Presidency!!!

    • November 30, 2015 at 5:19 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Jack, if by others you mean RWNJ’s, then yes. Right Agent?

      • December 1, 2015 at 12:31 pm
        FFA says:
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        Planet, you have to be the lone supporter of this mess. Local Doctors in networks, but not local hospitals or vice versa. One Client I am struggling with has a 30% increase in her premium.

        The system is imploding not to mention the piece of crap web site is crashing constantly. This made everything worse. Everything. Nothing good is coming from it. Nothing.

        • December 1, 2015 at 12:37 pm
          confused says:
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          tell the millions of people who were uninsured before obamacare, who now have insurance as long as their state approved the expanded medicaid option, that nothing good has come of the mandate.

          • December 1, 2015 at 2:08 pm
            FFA says:
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            Apparently you dont have a book of business within this nightmare.

            Everyone seems to forget that there was an option for the pre x crowd.

            So, please do tell me – what good has come from this? Affordable? Tell that to my client who has a 30% rate hike. Good Service? Tell that to another client of mine that specifically stated NO HMO and a navigator wanted to put her in one with out telling her it was an HMO. How about the countless lies? Not to mention the failures of the Start Up. The state exchange in MINN. Would have cost less to put all Uninsured on an HMO. Oh, and a Pre X Program did exist. So what good has come from it?

          • December 1, 2015 at 4:31 pm
            confused says:
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            and you do have a book of previously uninsured people who were only able to get health insurance through the medicaid expansion? what state do you work in?

          • December 1, 2015 at 5:34 pm
            FFA says:
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            I work in IL, Indiana, WI & Mich. All had pre x plans. I lost all my existing clients. I was making 15% Commish. Now I am make 6% and working much harder. I have spent hours with one lady trying to explain that her local hospitals are not in network that her doc is. She either has to change docs or be transported a sizable distance to a hospital. She call a navigator and they try and push her into an HMO where none of her docs are and no local hospitals are. So, every year I have to revisit the subject with the same insureds. Change your Doc. Change your hospital. Change your plan. And it detracts me from other business I need to tend to. So, until you write about 20 of these and agree to work for next to nothing, you are not educated on the subject. No one -other then me – has spoken of writing this business in this forum. Do you?

          • December 1, 2015 at 5:36 pm
            FFA says:
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            And, by the way confused, medicaid determinations take over three months in IL if you even get one.

          • December 2, 2015 at 8:09 am
            confused says:
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            no i have not, and i appreciate you taking the time to explain your personal experiences with the program. although i do not doubt others are going through what you have with your clients, i still feel there were many folks who benefited from expanding medicaid to capture previously uninsured persons. after all, if 100 people couldn’t get insurance before the ACA but 50 now can, the ACA has been good for 50% of that group. clearly that is not the only group impacted by the ACA, negatively or positively.

          • December 2, 2015 at 8:24 am
            integrity matters says:
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            So confused, in your mind it is okay to disrupt thousands if not millions of people to help fifty.

            Let me guess, if you were in a lifeboat that is supposed to hold 30 people but has 50 in it, you would want to pull in 50 more to try to save them, possibly jeopardizing everyone.

            Trust me, I am as compassionate as anyone else on this planet, but there comes a time when you have to make tough decisions.

          • December 2, 2015 at 10:20 am
            confused says:
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            “So confused, in your mind it is okay to disrupt thousands if not millions of people to help fifty.”

            no no no no. that is not what i am saying.

            you said the ACA made everything worse and nothing good has come from it. i am simply saying SOME good has come of it – millions of previously uninsured Americans now have healthcare.

            I am not saying the ACA is a success because of that, especially when it has harmed so many more people than it has helped. i was just disagreeing with you that everything is worse than it was before the ACA. if you asked any previously uninsured people who are now covered, they will tell you some good has come from the mandate.

            repeated for agent: I am not saying the ACA is a success, just that it has provided some benefit for some americans.

          • December 2, 2015 at 10:21 am
            confused says:
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            saying millions of uninsured people now have coverage is an exaggeration – i’m sorry, i should not have quantified how many uninsured people now have health insurance solely because of the ACA. i take that comment back.

          • December 2, 2015 at 11:49 am
            integrity matters says:
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            Thanks for your clarification, Confused.

            Yes, there have been some that have been helped. But the cost to the majority is not a good tradeoff.

            Unfortunately, diehard Obama and obamacare supporters don’t quite get that.

          • December 2, 2015 at 1:55 pm
            FFA says:
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            “Trust me, I am as compassionate as anyone else on this planet, but there comes a time when you have to make tough decisions.”

            Comes a time to cut the losses and move on. Now the Vermont Exchange is having difficulties.

            He didnt have to tear down a system that worked, but needed help.

        • December 7, 2015 at 12:47 pm
          No problems says:
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          I put my daughter on the exchange and have had no problems. I’m even in a red state. To hear that it might be repealed is actually worrisome to me.

          (It was a better deal to put her on the exchange than my new employer’s plan. It was easy, no hassle, the company I work with has been great, and her renewal has been a no brainer.)

          • December 7, 2015 at 2:15 pm
            Agent says:
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            No, for every one who has had “no problem”, there may be several hundred thousand who have had major problems or haven’t you been staying up with the news for the past 5 years? No brainer???? You should have a conversation with FFA sometime on how easy it is.

    • December 1, 2015 at 1:40 pm
      Yogi Polar Berra says:
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      And headaches aren’t covered under Obamacare.

      • December 1, 2015 at 3:23 pm
        Agent says:
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        Yogi, if headaches were covered, the deductible would get the patient. Perhaps a brain tumor might be covered, but the out of pocket expense would be exhorbitant. People really can’t afford to go to the doctor or hospital anymore so I see the Healthcare system imploding right before our eyes.

        • December 1, 2015 at 4:40 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Are headaches really NOT covered under ACA? Can you post a link or something that may support that statement? I find that extremely hard to believe.

          I mean, how could an MRI or CAT scan that’s used to identify a brain tumor exists not be covered, but the resulting operation to remove said brain tumor be covered?

          • December 1, 2015 at 5:37 pm
            FFA says:
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            Rose…. You don’t recognize sarcasm? I got a good laugh off of it.

          • December 1, 2015 at 5:54 pm
            Agent says:
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            FFA, give up trying to reason with Progressives. They will never get it. I would wish Rosenblatt Merry Christmas, but he would take offense since he is an avowed Atheist. By the way, what do they do in the holiday season? Must be a sad existence. I hope you find a good tree on your land and decorate it up in style.

          • December 1, 2015 at 7:59 pm
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            I’m getting a headache reading these posts, for and against. Once again, Obama(Care)(less) has divided us.

            It would be a good thing if headaches were not covered under ACA as insurance isn’t meant to cover routine events. Headaches are probably covered, along with sniffles, sneezes, bumps, and bruises.

            If a headache’s duration were long, diagnostics would be covered to detect more serious illnesses. Too bad thorough diagnoses and analyses weren’t used to write the law.

          • December 2, 2015 at 8:13 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Merry Christmas Agent. Now you wish me a Merry Christmas. Don’t assume you know my reply – let’s see how that plays out. I promise to respond to you the same way I do to everyone else who has ever wished me a Merry Christmas. Give it a shot.

            Sorry I missed your sarcasm FFA. When Agent replied saying IF headaches were covered, I presumed that both of you knew something I didn’t about headaches being covered or denied. I’ll turn my sarcasm detector up to 11 next time :)

          • December 2, 2015 at 8:14 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            *sorry I missed Yogi’s sarcasm

  • November 30, 2015 at 1:51 pm
    FFA says:
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    What a mess. It should come out of oBamas pocket personally.

    • November 30, 2015 at 2:51 pm
      Agent says:
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      So the doctors are legally bound to continue treatment of the patients even if they don’t get paid. Is that what was meant by “Free Health Care”? No wonder so many doctors are leaving practice.

      • November 30, 2015 at 3:04 pm
        integrity matters says:
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        This confirms what I posted a few weeks ago about a friend of mine who was told by Sloane Kettering that they were no longer accepting Obamacare insurance.

        I agree with FFA that it should come out of Obama’s pocket and probably Cuomo’s, too. Both are so inept, its ridiculous.

        • December 3, 2015 at 5:23 pm
          Agent says:
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          integrity, well I am sure a lot of those “moderate Independents” voted for Cuomo as well. He is just like daddy Mario was. New York is a very corrupt state and no wonder they lead the nation in people moving out with the high taxation, high regulation and high cost of living.

    • December 3, 2015 at 2:37 pm
      Agent says:
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      Merry Christmas Rosenblatt and Happy New Year. I broke my rule by mentioning your name so I will own up to it. I hope you don’t take offense. I am sure I will get a snarky comment from some of the worst offenders on this site. It is possible I will reply to your future posts if you keep the remarks reasonable and stick to the subject matter.

      • December 3, 2015 at 2:57 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        As a lifelong Jewish person who now considers himself an atheist, thank you Agent – I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas too!!

        • December 3, 2015 at 5:20 pm
          Agent says:
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          Perhaps I should have said Happy Hanukkah or Chanukkah. That might be better considering your heritage.

          • December 4, 2015 at 9:21 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            No – wishing me a Merry Christmas was just fine. I’ve never taken offense to that phrase and know its intent is secular

          • December 4, 2015 at 4:13 pm
            Agent says:
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            Rosenblatt, I will forgive the Atheist viewpoint, but to correct you, Christians celebrate Jesus birth. Forget the secular thing. I know many people consider it a secular holiday with shopping, gift giving etc. Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all. He gave his life in remission of our sins. Jews are among the smartest people on earth, yet rejected him because he didn’t come to earth to set up an earthly kingdom and kick the Romans out of Israel.

          • December 8, 2015 at 4:40 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            why would you write any of that? just accept the fact that i said wishing me a merry christmas was fine, be done with the topic, and move on.

    • December 8, 2015 at 5:26 pm
      Agent says:
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      FFA, in keeping with your theme, I got a good one from a friend today. Have you heard of the Maxine cartoons? One of the best Maxines I have seen.

      Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

      2013 Version – Give a man a welfare check, a free cell phone, free Internet, cash for his clunker, food stamps, Section 8 housing, free contraceptives, Medicaid, niney-nine weeks of unemployment, free medicine, and he will vote Democratic the rest of his life and even after he’s dead.

      OBAMA so loved the poor, he created millions more!

  • November 30, 2015 at 2:04 pm
    Texas says:
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    Sounds like bonus time at Republic NY.

  • November 30, 2015 at 2:26 pm
    WyomingAgent says:
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    Can anyone name one government program that is efficient?, on or under budget and actually works like it is supposed too? If you really want to follow the government’s management of healthcare, take a look at the VA.

    • November 30, 2015 at 3:03 pm
      InsGuy says:
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      @WYAgt: Answer – ICE. They get all that money, but don’t actually do anything, so technically they come in under budget.

    • December 1, 2015 at 1:45 pm
      Yogi Polar Berra says:
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      The IRS is efficient in shaking down US citizens, probably under budget because they re-use email servers rather than retaining vital records indefinitely, and it works like it is supposed to – if you consider THEIR definition of how it is supposed to work.

  • November 30, 2015 at 2:58 pm
    dabear666 says:
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    Do you notice the way everyone seems to think that someone (other than themselves) should pay to bail this failure out. Someone wants the insurers to cover these costs–even though many insurers elected not to become involved in this fiasco because they expected it to see many failures. Others want the state to bail it out–i.e. let all the state residents (or maybe just the wealthy ones) pay for the mismanagement of a private organization.

    How about we let the patients/customers who bought these underpriced policies pay their doctors and hospitals for the portions of the bills they incurred that the insurer can’t pay? One of the features of buying insurance is identifying the ability of the insurer you sign with to process and pay claims–not just who charges the lowest premium. This is a custom chance to remind people of that.

    • December 1, 2015 at 10:47 am
      Jack Kanauph says:
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      1. The health care system doesn’t work because the end user (patient) is not the person paying for the services. Consumers can be smart shoppers when it is their money. With a 3rd party payor (insurance companies), the consumer goes to where a doctor tells them to go for tests and procedures (aka who offers better kickbacks). Also, doctors are paid a small fee per patient from the payor for office visits, so quick in & outs are encouraged. Fix Health Insurance to put more pressure on the consumer to shop for services and it will get costs in line and make it more affordable.
      2. I am glad Jimmy Carter is still alive. It would have been sad for him to pass and not see the Worst President ever title pass over to Obama.

      • December 2, 2015 at 2:42 pm
        BS says:
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        “The health care system doesn’t work because the end user (patient) is not the person paying for the services… Fix Health Insurance to put more pressure on the consumer to shop for services and it will get costs in line and make it more affordable”

        Until recently (yesterday actually,) I would have agreed with you Jack, but I think the insurance companies are mismanaging their costs as well.

        I have a medication that until recently, I’ve been filling at the local Walgreens for a copay of $10/mo. At my insurance company/benefit manager’s suggestion, I switched over to their mail-order pharmacy. It’s now 3 months for $25. I save $5.

        But, yesterday I went into their system and happened to see the cost of the medication pre-insurance. The total cost through Walgreens was $151. But the total cost for 3 months through their pharmacy is $908. That’s twice the amount they have to pay if I fill the prescription through the local drug store.

        I tried calling them to see if I should just transfer the prescription back to Walgreens. I’d pay $1.66 more a month than I would if I went through them, but they’d pay $151 less. The man I spoke to couldn’t comprehend why I was calling, and treated me like I was stupid for even calling. I got so frustrated trying to explain that according to their own system, they’re overpaying almost $2k a year, I just hung up.

        If they’re overpaying on one medication, I have to think that they’re overpaying on others. It’s probably due to the contracts they have with whatever manufacturer they use, but you’d think they would be a little more cost-conscious. Especially when they try to push you into their mail-order programs to ‘save money.’

        • December 8, 2015 at 7:12 am
          KY jw says:
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          BS, it’s a little disturbing to think someone didn’t do the math on your Rx.

  • November 30, 2015 at 2:59 pm
    integrity matters says:
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    This is an example of how terrible this law and “idea” was.

    For those of us that have been in the insurance industry a long time, when was the last time you witnessed so many carriers go bankrupt after only being in business for two years?

    And for our non-capitalist, antagonists out there, here is your NON-PROFIT company showing they could not even last two years. Of course, they will try to blame Congress for not giving them the extra billions of dollars. My reply to that is, they saved the tax payers that money because it would have only prolonged the agony.

    For once, I would like to see them finally admit that this was a failed experiment and agree that our old system was better, even with its flaws.

    • December 1, 2015 at 8:47 am
      Ron says:
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      integrity matters,

      While I agree with you that the old system was better, it was still failing tens of millions of Americans. At least the Democrats were willing to try something. When is the last time the Republicans did something to improve upon the old system? Why did they not implement their ideas when they had control of all 3 branches from 2003-07? Ideas are meaningless if you do not take action.

      The reason I left the Republican party is because they are more interested in telling you what is wrong and who is to blame, than actually trying to solve problems. My guess is that they are either afraid, or know that their ideas would not work or actually make things worse. That is not how you govern.

      • December 1, 2015 at 9:14 am
        Integrity matters says:
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        I can play the “blame game” too. Why didn’t Clinton fix things when he had control in his first term?

        The fact is they both are corrupt and just want bigger govt and control. There are some (Ted Cruz) that has been trying to reign both sides in but he is dismissed because he is not falling in line with the rest of them.

        And, honestly, Ron, Obamacare was not about fixing healthcare. That was the disguise Obama and the Dems put on this monstrosity. It was about changing America and trying to get control of Billions, if not Trillions, of dollars. It was poorly thought out and poorly implemented. That is a worse way to govern!

        • December 1, 2015 at 10:38 am
          Ron says:
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          integrity matters,

          Thanks for not answering my questions.

          Ted Cruz, if elected, will do nothing without Congressional approval because he can’t. We have a president, not a dictator or king. I am sick and tired of candidates promising they cannot deliver. Even worse are the uneducated voters who believe them.

          I also blame President Clinton and the Democrats for not doing anything to solve this problem in the early 90’s. That is when I switched from being a Democrat to a Republican.

          • December 2, 2015 at 8:40 am
            integrity matters says:
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            Actually, Ron, I did answer your question. I said they were both corrupt and just wanted bigger govt and control.

            It’s funny how you are sick and tired of candidates promising they cannot deliver and how you think the uneducated voters who believe them are worse. Do you put yourself in this category?

            It was pretty obvious to me that Obama could not deliver on affordable health care for all and that everyone would see reductions in premiums.

            How did you rationalize that adding millions of potentially chronically ill people into a system AND paying for healthcare for people who cannot afford it could add up to lower premiums for everyone?

          • December 2, 2015 at 9:27 am
            Ron says:
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            integrity matters,

            You asked, “Do you put yourself in this category?”. No, because I understand how the government works and the Constitution. My expectations for what one single person can and cannot do are grounded in fact. When have I ever blamed or given credit to any one person in politics? You must cite my exact words with the article and date.

            You asked,” How did you rationalize that adding millions of potentially chronically ill people into a system AND paying for healthcare for people who cannot afford it could add up to lower premiums for everyone?” I can’t.

            As I have stated many times, I am against the PPACA. When will you and the rest of the righties get that? You keep wanting me to defend a law with which I disagree should have been implemented.

            Maybe my points and positions are too nuanced for this blog and I need to find a more intelligent audience.

          • December 2, 2015 at 10:04 am
            Agent says:
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            integrity, I commend your efforts in your response to Ron’s leftist positions. I have made an effort for several years, Bob has had numerous run-ins and handed him his head on a platter and he has never had one thing sink in to change his mind. He has bragged about how politically savvy that he is and researched candidates as an “Independent” voter to decide who to vote for and then voted for Obummer twice. What does that tell you about his leanings?

          • December 2, 2015 at 10:12 am
            confused says:
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            agent – “free advice: get facts straight, accept legit criticism, develop thick skin, drop childish insults.”

          • December 2, 2015 at 11:59 am
            integrity matters says:
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            My apologies for not remembering that you are opposed to Obamacare.

            What, may I ask, was it that prompted you to vote for Obama? His hope and change mantra? Did you disregard his lack of experience or was being a community organizer and rookie senator enough to convince you he could do the job? Did you not care that he attended worship from a radical, racist? Or was friends with a domestic terrorist?

            What exactly was his qualifications that made you think he was such a good choice? Twice??

          • December 2, 2015 at 12:33 pm
            Ron says:
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            integrity matters,

            You must have also missed the several times I stated that I was voting against the other candidates. McCain’s militarist approach to Iran and his “selection” of a running mate scared the heck out of me. In my opinion, he did not want Governor Palin, but was forced to select her by the far right. That tells me he would be more of a puppet than a president.

            In 2012, I was very offended by Mitt Romney’s stance against 47%, now 43%, of the country that included military personnel, seniors citizens, middle class families, and the working poor. In addition, I felt the health care law he passed was way too similar to the PPACA and had little faith he would come up with anything much better.

            You asked, “Did you not care that he attended worship from a radical, racist? Or was friends with a domestic terrorist?” That was the right trying to instill fear in people so they vote against him. I was just smart enough to see past that. Please tell where those people are now in his administration or how they have influenced him?

            As I said before, one person cannot have nearly the impact uneducated people seem to believe. In 2008, I thought it would be good idea to try something different. Some things he has done have been positive, in my eyes, and his has also disappointed. In my opinion, most people who complain about him because he looks different than them or previous presidents. I have outlined in the past that he has not done much, if anything, that previous presidents have also done. And they were not criticized nearly to the same degree.

            As I said before, the Republican game plan is to make the people afraid of it, and saying who is to blame for it. They have no desire to govern, just complain about how bad things are so people put them in power.

            They have had the majority in both Houses of Congress for nearly a year. What have they ACCOMPLISHED that has provided a real impact? As I have said before, new Congress, same crap.

          • December 2, 2015 at 2:01 pm
            FFA says:
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            “They have had the majority in both Houses of Congress for nearly a year. What have they ACCOMPLISHED that has provided a real impact? As I have said before, new Congress, same crap.”

            They have added hurdles for the Syrian Refugees. Even some of the Dems broke party lines and agree on that issue.

            Its a start.

          • December 14, 2015 at 5:12 pm
            Agent says:
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            integrity, Ron has pulled that stunt on me for years. He claims you didn’t answer his question. The problem for him is that he didn’t like your answer so therefore, you didn’t answer him. If you don’t agree with him, you never answer his question. That is the way Progressives think. By the way, he voted for Obama twice. What does that say about his mental capacity?

      • December 1, 2015 at 9:57 am
        Independent Thinker says:
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        “They…know that their ideas would not work or actually make things worse. That is not how you govern.”

        So Obamacare was an idea that worked, and did not make things worse? Just asking….And if the way the Dems govern is by ramming something through any way they can, and then crowing about what an “achievement” it is, THAT is “not how you govern” either. Again, just saying….

        • December 1, 2015 at 10:39 am
          Ron says:
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          Independent Thinker,

          Please re-read my post, then try again.

          • December 2, 2015 at 8:47 am
            integrity matters says:
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            Actually, Ron, re-read Thinkers post.

            He is pointing out that Obamacare was an idea that they should have known would not work. They pushed it through by bribing senators to vote for it. It made things worse (as most who opposed it predicted).

            So, lying and bribing is a better way that you think how this country should be governed? If I had to choose between the two options, I’ll pick inaction instead of lying and bribing.

        • December 3, 2015 at 2:45 pm
          Agent says:
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          FFA, some think the Congress has done nothing for their year. What bill do you think they could pass with the Veto pen ready to go? The only thing that will be passed are continuing resolutions to fund the government unless of course you write up a Progressive Bill on huge additional spending and he will certainly sign that. Forget entitlement reform, reducing the size of government. It isn’t going to happen until after Jan 20th, 2017.

      • December 1, 2015 at 12:35 pm
        FFA says:
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        So you go to the democrat side that just makes it worse. It still amazes me how so many people over looked the fact the OBama is an Il politician and still voted for him. How has Il politics worked out for you Ron? Planet?

        • December 1, 2015 at 1:47 pm
          Ron says:
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          While I have stated many times in the past that I have been disappointed in President Obama, here are a few facts to consider:
          1. Since his 1st year in office, nearly every economic indicator has shown improvement
          2. There have been net jobs gains nearly every month
          3. The country has not been attacked by a terrorist organization
          4. Public enemy number was taken out
          5. Many terrorists, including leaders, have been removed form Earth without loss of American soldiers (drones)
          6. Equality and freedom extended to homosexuals

          While he may not be personally responsible for any of these things, they are good things and happen during his administration.

          Please name one state where there are no corrupt politicians.

          • December 1, 2015 at 2:12 pm
            FFA says:
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            Ive been in WI for 5 months. No News stories on corrupt politicians. Not one.

            Its not that other states dont have issues, but IL is at the top of the pack. I am sure that Cook County is way out in front of the pack of the worst. He has ties to convicted felons. He hid behind Executive Privilege in the Blago trial. Whats he hiding for?

          • December 2, 2015 at 9:10 am
            integrity matters says:
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            Nice try on the list of “accomplishments”.
            1. The economy went backwards until about 12-18 months ago. The turnaround occurred in spite of Obama, because the American people tightened their belts and became more fiscally responsible. It was not because he did anything to improve it.
            2. HAHAHA. That’s a good one. Net job gains since when? And how is it being counted? You forget that they stop counting the people who are unemployed and fall off the unemployment compensation rolls. Just because they are no onger collecting, it doesn’t mean they all got jobs. Additionally, the job gains that have been realized have mostly been due to seasonal employment.
            3. Really?? What do you call the various attacks made on Americans in the name of Allah (i.e. Boston Marathon? They were not 911 magnitude, but they were still terrorists.
            4. Any sitting President (except Clinton) would have done the same thing given the same circumstances. That was a no brainer.
            5. Yes, this is a true statement. Do you also know that many American soldiers have been killed because they have been ordered to not fight back when they have been attacked while they were trying to help Iraq learn how to defend themselves? Also, how many Americans will be killed because Obama released the terrorists that were in GITMO? We may never know.
            6. I guess this happened after he changed his viewpoint on same sex marriage.

            I agree. He is not personally responsible for these things. He is personally responsible for creating the worst law in history and for not upholding the laws of the Constitution, which is a direct violation of the oath that he swore.

            He is the WORST POTUS EVER!!!

          • December 2, 2015 at 9:42 am
            Ron says:
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            integrity matters,

            1. As I stated, “While he may not be personally responsible for any of these things, they are good things and happen during his administration.”
            2. I am not talking about unemployment, I am talking net jobs (new jobs – loss jobs).
            3. Those were lone-wolf scenarios, not terrorist organizations.
            4. It happened under his watch. President GW Bush had 7 years to get him.
            5. Far less soldiers died getting rid of terrorists under President Obama than President GW Bush.
            5. Don’t care, it has been happening.

            Congress is responsible for passing laws, the President is only responsible for signing or vetoing.

            For a group so in love with the Constitution, there is some very limited understanding of the document from the right.

          • December 2, 2015 at 12:30 pm
            integrity matters says:
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            I have a very good grasp of how the Constitution is supposed to work. And Obama is not following it.

            2. Regarding the net new jobs, I stand corrected. But you have to take this number with a grain of salt because it counts part time employment. With unemployment being as high as it is, some people are trying to find ANY job. AND, when the unemployment ran out, they had no other choice to find something. So this number is naturally expected to rise.

            3. SO those lone wolfs that proclaim to be part of or sympathizers to the terrorist organization don’t count in your mind?

            4. And the opportunity never presented itself. If it would have, he would have taken it.

            5. You’re comparing apples with watermelons. At least Bush didn’t render the soldiers impotent by not allowing them to defend themselves. What kind of Commander in Chief sends his soldiers to a war zone and says “you are not allowed to return fire if you are attacked”? Apparently, Obama doesn’t care either. Will you care if one of the released terrorists comes back and blows up your family?

            Actually, Mr. Constitutionalist, the President is also responsible for upholding the laws. He is not suppose to change the laws with a wave of his pen. He is selectively choosing which laws he wants to follow and ignored the rest. Is that a way to govern? That’s a way to dictate, in my opinion.

          • December 2, 2015 at 12:43 pm
            bob says:
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            1. Since his 1st year in office, nearly every economic indicator has shown improvement

            After a fall that hard they have to, but historically, he is doing worse than just about any president on this recovery. Compare Reagan’s unemployment rate. The Labor participation rate went up while it went down. When counting underemployed folks, we had been closer to 10% until this year, and when considering the lower LPR we would have been above 15. When the LPR goes down it lowers the rate. Also, incomes have remained stagnant as prices have gone up to live. This is just a fact, Obama has not benefited the economy. In terms of economic indicators, why don’t we take the fact that he inflated the housing market so that people still cannot afford homes? That enough is not to elect him. He passed QE in waves. He has not been good for the economy.

            2. There have been net jobs gains nearly every month

            Poor job gains compared to most recessions. Most severe recessions have bigger gains.

            3. The country has not been attacked by a terrorist organization

            Irrelevant, especially considering he hasn’t actually changed a foreign policy that has caused this. Besides which, Bush W could not have changed a single law to stop 9/11 if that is what you’re trying to say. And we come back to: ” am sick and tired of candidates promising they cannot deliver. Even worse are the uneducated voters who believe them.” Right? Except for you, you somehow are educated enough to credit Obama for these things.

            4. Public enemy number was taken out

            From information that we found from a detainee in Gitmo, that I believe was obtained in 2007-2009, I would have to find it again. Obama had vowed to close Gitmo and used it as a campaigning tool. This type of use of these type of issues is not ok, and he did not cause the public enemy number one to be caught. I’m going to be bold here: BUSH W DID. He went through hell or high water, and even may have pushed the lines of torture on three detainees in Gitmo. Side comment: While liberals are trying to argue that the detainee who gave the info didn’t do so due to torture, that detainee WAS ONE OF THE ONES TORTURED which by the by: Obama suddenly let Bush W off the hook for this. Why do you think that happened? He switched his opinion when he realized it would work to his advantage. Obama did this same thing when it came to raising the debt limit. First he said it was irresponsible to do so, and voted against it, then he said it was irresponsible to not do so, and lied and said it lowered our credit rating.

            5. Many terrorists, including leaders, have been removed form Earth without loss of American soldiers (drones)

            A drone system is not efficient, and leads to countless deaths. You were likely among those that criticized the death tolls in Iraq. Drone bombings are very similar. Bush W was criticized for this. Besides which, Obama was the first president to use the Patriot Act to execute a U.S. citizen, and his son, a 16 year old child. Regardless, Obama is not tough on terrorism. He is still not taking action against ISIS in the forms that need to be, specifically because it would harm the democrat image in which they said boots on the ground are never needed.

            6. Equality and freedom extended to homosexuals

            At the expense of equality for the Church you attend! You are some Catholic. Not to mention: Republicans in Washington voted for same sex laws, and civil unions. Most do. THAT was equality. What we have now is unfair preference of gays and homosexuals.

            So then you have not one reason to have voted for Obama that is not delusional. Got it.

          • December 2, 2015 at 12:48 pm
            Ron says:
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            integrity matters,

            Please cite exactly what President Obama has done that indicates he is not following the Constitution. Also cite what in the Constitution should restrict him.

            2. Please provide your data regarding jobs and cite your source. I can only present facts based on what is available.

            3. No, because they are virtually impossible to track and stop. Can we agree that 9/11, which occurred under a different president’s watch, not blaming anybody, was far worse than all other attacks, on our soil, combined since then?

            4. How do you KNOW? maybe if he spent less resources destroying Iraq to get rid of one man, and more resources going after the actual person who planned attacks against us, he would have had the opportunity.

            5. You may call it apples and oranges, but it does not change the fact that the current president has sacrifice far fewer of our brave men and women in the war against terror. Where did you hear that our soldier were ordered not to return fire when attacked? If that is the case, I cannot defend that. However, it is irrelevant to my original point.

            Please name me one president in the past 40 years who has not issued an Executive Order that changed how a law was to be enforced. As much as i am personally against EOs, President Obama has issued the least, per year, of any president since Nixon.

          • December 2, 2015 at 1:02 pm
            bob says:
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            And I’m going to add one to my comments there:

            “The country has not been attacked by a terrorist organization”

            But Russia has taken Crimea, has a deal giving away parts of Ukraine to “independent republics” (who are allied with Russia), Syria crossed a red line and we did nothing…ISIS had a group of Christians abandoned atop a mountain (literally) and all we did was send food supplies. All we needed to do was send maybe a 1,000 troops to assist. Why didn’t we? Popularity means more than terrorism and lives to him. He is not fighting terrorism. Why don’t you list a couple Integrity?

          • December 2, 2015 at 2:00 pm
            bob says:
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            Layman terms:

            Job gains don’t matter numerically if the percentage of the working population is down, fully employed people are down, and this is not due to baby boomers.

            People in the oldest age group are among where the labor participation rate are highest.

            So when you tell integrity we had net job gains, it’s ignorant.

            I don’t mean that as an insult. I mean it as a fact. It’s an attempt to manipulate you by politicians, and one you fell for.

            The LPR and income rates are the most important, as well as the underemployed percentage of those working.

            If you get to a high enough amount of people unable to get a job, and many unable to get a full time job, and incomes are low…You don’t have a good economy. It’s that simple Ron.

          • December 7, 2015 at 11:57 am
            Ron says:
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            This is exactly why you fail.

            I provide facts and all you can do is try to spin them.

            Facts>Spin ALWAYS!!!

          • December 7, 2015 at 2:28 pm
            bob says:
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            Let’s see how seriously Obama takes terrorism shall we?


            By what measure has he taken terrorism seriously?

            The red line in Syria?
            Ukraine with the two republics he allowed Russia to negotiate into existence?
            Gitmo? (closing it)

            What specifically has he done? He has missed more than half of the briefings.

          • December 7, 2015 at 4:28 pm
            bob says:
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            What did I spin and how? You are the one who did spin. The number of jobs is irrelevant. The percentage is not. The population continually grows. This is why numeric numbers don’t matter. It is twisting to say that a low percentage of the population are able to support themselves due to low incomes, not being a part of the workforce, etc? By what measure is the economy better under Obama? By what measure has he fixed it? A numeric number of Jobs added is not acceptable.

            The housing market was no spin whatsoever.

            “6. Equality and freedom extended to homosexuals”


            “5. Many terrorists, including leaders, have been removed form Earth without loss of American soldiers (drones)”

            Selfish, and wrong. It is more dangerous to do drones. So you don’t care as long as Americans don’t die, that is success? Sounds like Putin to me.

            “4. Public enemy number was taken out”

            Nothing to do with Obama, and you’re the one spinning. Explain how Obama changed things for the positive. I can explain how George W Bush’s Gitmo policies lead to the information that caught Osama.

            “3. The country has not been attacked by a terrorist organization”

            Explain what changed. Obama has not even attended half the intelligence briefings.

            “2. There have been net jobs gains nearly every month”

            After a recession these are stronger, we can prove Obama is doing worse. That is not spin. Also, housing prices are inflated, the labor participation rate is down, and incomes are not rising. All bad economic factors are suddenly meaningless because we have had some job gains which are poor as a percentage of the population and by comparison to Reagan? They barely even stack up to Bush w growth before the recession.

            The one spinning is you.

            “2. There have been net jobs gains nearly every month”

            Citation needed.

            What indicators? LPR is down, the UE6 rate is still high, and is only lower due to the LPR being lower.

            Housing prices are still nu-affordable. Incomes are stagnant. Rent is inflated due to housing costs being inflated. in 2007 I rented a two bed room for $550. It is now 1100. Do the math.

            If the numerical jobs gains are all you are quoting, you have nothing. This is where you fail.

            Saying something does not state the cause. You have to actually paint a story, something you don’t do.

            Something I do do.

            So instead of saying how I fail, let’s focus on backing up your own ignorant comments, moron.

        • December 1, 2015 at 2:20 pm
          Agent says:
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          FFA, Merry Christmas to you. It may not be politically correct on this forum, but I couldn’t care less.

          I saw a good one today. Your First Christmas Card for 2015

          I love Christmas lights! They remind me of the people who voted for Obama. They all hang together, half of them don’t work, and the ones that do, aren’t all that bright.

          • December 1, 2015 at 4:01 pm
            FFA says:
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            Breaking news today…. Gary McCarthy – Chicago top cop – has been fired. After all the records set under his watch….
            Spike Lees new movie coming out for the world to see whats going on in Chicago.

          • December 1, 2015 at 6:14 pm
            Agent says:
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            FFA, I saw the story on Emanuel firing their Police Chief after the cover up of policeman shooting the young black teen. This is all under Rahm’s watch and the story said he only did it to try to save his job. By the way, they used to call Rahm “Dead Fish” when he worked for Obama. Now, he may be the Dead Fish if enough trouble comes from this. How about a recall election? Not too sure he would get many black votes!

          • December 2, 2015 at 2:08 pm
            FFA says:
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            I dont see how they call it a cover up. The video is in all media outlets. The officer involved has been charged with murder. Sounds like full disclosure to me.

            Any why would they release it so close to Black Friday? All them stores on the Mag Mile are reporting a serious decrease in sales.

            Cover up my ass. They couldnt make it more public if they tried. Rahm is in trouble, thats for sure.

            And Merry Christmas to you too! I have the tree picked out and will be setting up Christmas this week end….

        • December 3, 2015 at 5:12 pm
          Agent says:
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          FFA, the good people of Chicago also put Dead Fish in as mayor. Look what they got. He is as mealy mouthed as they come. Surely, his tenure is now short lived.

        • December 7, 2015 at 2:22 pm
          Agent says:
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          Bob, do you feel like a failure for opposing Ron’s viewpoint and having him telling you that you are a failure? No, I didn’t think so. He is really good telling others they are failures when he should be looking in the mirror. We weren’t the ones who voted for the worst President in history twice.

          • December 7, 2015 at 2:31 pm
            bob says:
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            Not really. I don’t read his posts.

            Haven’t in a while.

            Did he call me a failure? I don’t see how he can say that with what I’ve said on this article.

            I added a spot I think you might like regarding terrorism.

            Did you see my link as to how often he goes to the briefings?

            No wonder he thought ISIS was Junior Varsity.

          • December 7, 2015 at 2:58 pm
            Agent says:
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            Bob, in one of the posts above as his typical retort, he said that is why you fail. He can’t win the battle of ideas with you so he just says you fail.

            Yes, I did see your reply on the Terrorism front and it has been reported that Obama disregards intelligence briefings from the Joint Chiefs, CIA, FBI. On San Bernardino, he said it “might be workplace violence” or “Terrorism”, he just didn’t know. After the evidence piled up on the bombs these people had and the allegiance to ISIS posted by the female Islamic Terroist, there is very little doubt at this point. He still says that this country is not at war with Islam. Islam is at war with this country.

          • December 7, 2015 at 3:17 pm
            bob says:
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            The U.S. isn’t at war with Islam.

            Islam isn’t even at war with the U.S.

            It’s basically humanity vs Islam.

            I find it more than a little funny that here in the U.S. people think Christians are at war with blacks and or homosexuals, a war of ideals, and yet they don’t think that the Islamic faith which literally has instructions of how to treat infidels, is at war with anyone. That’s not the religion’s fault, it’s the people. But with Christians it’s not the people’s fault, it’s the religion.

            It’s part of why I believe in God. When humanity that is otherwise intelligent (which atheists are) becomes selectively stupid in the name of being against God, it shows something.

            I have had people claim that the God of the New Testament and the actions of those in that time frame are similar to Islam.

            To which I am flabbergasted. They don’t even believe in the new testament as being historical and yet are referencing it. If they did, they would believe God did that. God has not requested of it to occur again.

            Regardless of even that, that is not a present request from the bible to be violent, whereas the Muslim bible demands it.

            The Muslim faith is at war with non believers. Even though democrats will hate me for this:

            I believe the Muslim religion should be dismantled and all remnants of their bible destroyed.

            The people should not be harmed at all. But the faith needs to be removed from all governments, the books removed, etc.

          • December 7, 2015 at 3:18 pm
            bob says:
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            Sorry I meant to say the God of the old testament. Not new.

      • December 7, 2015 at 11:42 am
        insurance geek says:
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        Ron, even the Democrats didn’t know what they were trying -case in point Nancy Pelosi’s famous quote “well you have to read the bill to know what’s in it”. Congress, especially the Democrats, were dumb enough to pass a law they didn’t understand. Republicans were no better because they knew this was an issue going back to the days of Bill “i did not have sex with that woman” Clinton…but they were not proactive and come up with another solution. Bottom line, its a poorly written law.

        • December 7, 2015 at 1:18 pm
          Ron says:
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          insurance geek,

          Are you familiar with the entire context of what Representative Pelosi said, or just the line what the right keeps repeating? She was referencing the process in which a bill must go through in order to be voted upon and passed. You know, as it states in the Constitution.

          You said, “Republicans were no better because they knew this was an issue going back to the days of Bill “i did not have sex with that woman” Clinton…but they were not proactive and come up with another solution.” That has been my point. The Republicans will tell us they have a better solution, but did nothing. I left that party because all they do is tell the people what to be afraid of and who is to blame. They have shown zero interest in governing, only complaining.

          You said, “Bottom line, its a poorly written law.” I agree 100%.

          • December 7, 2015 at 2:40 pm
            bob says:
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            ” left that party because all they do is tell the people what to be afraid of and who is to blame. They have shown zero interest in governing, only complaining.” Zero interest? So no plans have been presented?

            Expanded retirement options proposed by George W Bush, to finally make a means to retirement other than social security taxation amount and cutting alternatively.

            Several rated CBO plans, that they couldn’t get passed because democrats thrashed them so they could not be taken seriously.

            The civil rights bill of 1957, they couldn’t pass either due to democrats.

            You’re blaming them for having to deal with democrats who stop them from passing anything, and you aren’t blaming democrats for stopping them.

            This is not equal measures.

            Sorry. Republicans are better and have been since the civil war, which was also caused by democrats. As well as racism.

          • December 7, 2015 at 3:03 pm
            Agent says:
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            Bob, it took LBJ insisting on passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to get it finally done, but not without a lot of opposition from a number of Democrats. Republicans were on board with it. Remember our famous Democratic Senator from West Virginia, the late Robert Byrd? He was actually an active member of the KKK much of his life and had a good supply of bed sheets. He was against the Civil Rights Act. It was only on his death bed that he re-canted hoping for forgiveness from his sins.

    • December 7, 2015 at 4:15 pm
      Agent says:
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      integrity, You should go on today’s, 12-7-15 issue of and read the story on how this President disregards intelligence briefings and his minions manipulates them to fit his agenda. One former official actually said that if the public knew the truth of what has been going on, they would insist on impeachment. The number 1 duty of a President is to protect the country and defend the Constitution. He is doing neither. That, to me is dereliction of duty.

  • November 30, 2015 at 3:10 pm
    UW Supreme says:
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    Why in the hell should a guarantee fund be set up and funded BY THE INDUSTRY, when insurers or taxpayers left footing the bill had a) nothing to do with the creation of this law, nor the desire of this law to be created in the first place, and b) nothing to do with ANY of the problems this law has brought on to the industry/nation.

    $150M outstanding bill…in NY state alone. I wonder if that was a contingency that was factored into the ACA’s budget when they forced it down everyone’s f*cking throats. Oh, you mean this will no doubt be paid for by us in addition to the operating costs of this failed act? This President is the worst thing to EVER happen to America. Period. Say all you want about the horrendous terrorism, wars, inner city slayings (hello Chicago) that have impacted our nation. But the number one worst moment in this country’s history was when that piece of sh*t was elected into office. I don’t want to be on the same planet as any of his supporters anymore. I am so done, pissed off, and f*cking exhausted with all of the BS already.

    • December 1, 2015 at 8:55 am
      Ron says:
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      “This President is the worst thing to EVER happen to America. Period. Say all you want about the horrendous terrorism, wars, inner city slayings (hello Chicago) that have impacted our nation. But the number one worst moment in this country’s history was when that piece of sh*t was elected into office.”

      So, what you are saying is that if we discount everything that has happened in the country that is actually worse than electing President Obama, then electing him is the worst thing that has ever happened in this country? There is some logic any idiot can get behind.

      Thank you for your part in uniting the country. (sarcasm)

      • December 1, 2015 at 10:01 am
        SWFL Agent says:
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        I always chuckle when I hear a politician say that the “American voters are smart”. The majority are not smart, don’t understand the issues, and will vote for someone who promises the most handouts. Obama’s victory is an example of this. I am sure other world leaders view him as inept as well.

        • December 1, 2015 at 1:12 pm
          Agent says:
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          SWFL, I agree that the voters have not been too smart in the past 2 Presidential Elections. See what they got for voting for a slogan? The good news is that the Face Book and Twitter crowd have awakened from their slumber and are rejecting the Progressive agenda and I believe they will vote against any Democrat or Communist running. Perhaps you saw the story a few weeks ago about the Kentucky Governor race. They haven’t had a Republican governor in 40 years there. The Democrats put up their rubber stamp Obama supporter and he was beaten in a landslide and they even elected a female black Republican to Lieutenant Governor. If Kentucky can awaken, so can the rest of the country.

          • December 1, 2015 at 1:23 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Comment removed for terms violation

          • December 8, 2015 at 4:22 pm
            bob says:
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            Are you kidding me? I was wondering why you kept calling Agent Mike Rooker.

            Then I looked it up.

            You really don’t consider this to be out of line? Call him by his name. This is not a request. You’re going to do it.

            We don’t call people stereo types. We call them their name, people like you would have been the ones calling black folks the n word and gay people the f word.

            You are not exempt from being a racist piece of trash just because you are liberal Planet.

          • December 8, 2015 at 4:25 pm
            bob says:
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            Alternatively the only other option is there was a mike rooker here that you think is agent.

            Also, not appropriate. That is constant mocking of agent for no reason.

            If he changed his moniker, you don’t get to mock him for it.

            Don’t call me shirley.

        • December 3, 2015 at 4:46 pm
          Don't Call Me Shirley says:
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          And if they want to vote for someone who promises the most handouts to wealthy crooks, they vote Republican.

          • December 7, 2015 at 6:52 pm
            bob says:
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            I don’t see how this is any better than the left pandering to middle class tax cuts.

            However, handouts are not given the the wealthy in any circumstance except for government spending bills, not through tax reductions.

            Tax reductions is them keeping their money, and is done with the intent of leaving more money in business hands to give to employees and jobs.

            So…You’re saying what the intent is, against what they say it is.

            It’s some super secret you have figured out right?

          • December 8, 2015 at 3:14 pm
            bob says:
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            Besides which:

            Democrats push taxation without representation. A majority does not mean you can tax someone who has no representation.

            The wealthy have no representation in terms of votes.

            I know you will say “super pacs!” because from your point of view the rich man is manipulating the poor stupid voter. This twist doesn’t work. It’s a twist. We don’t take away the rights of representation of the wealthy in regards to taxes, especially when we have a tax rate which is higher for them and constantly goes up, and has been 90% in the past. The 90% rate was taxation without representation, whether you liberal fools are willing to admit it or not.

      • December 1, 2015 at 10:55 am
        UW Supreme says:
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        Hi Ron,

        Good to hear from you (sarcasm). And thanks for calling me an idiot, albeit indirectly.

        I’m actually smart. SO SMART in fact, that I didn’t vote for that bloated assbag. I’m on the side of right in this country. The side that actually wants to unite instead of divide by race, religion and sexual orientation. The side that wants to see businesses large and small succeed. The side that wants ALL Americans to do the very best that they can and have the life of their dreams by channeling their motivation to make a difference for themselves and their neighbors. The side that isn’t afraid of carving a path for innovation and shrinking their government so they don’t stifle that innovation. The side that believes in a strong defense to keep the bad guys out so the good in this country can be free. The side that is not afraid to face terror head on and eradicate it. The side that not only believes but KNOWS this country is the greatest on earth and is proud as hell of who we are. The side that helps those who are down, gives them the tools to be strong again, and expects them to in time begin to rely on themselves and their greatness within instead of returning to their government for more. And the side that will bow down to no one, because without America, this world would not be the same. We would fall apart divided, exactly how this president wants.

        We have never been this divided, certainly not in my lifetime, and it’s all thanks to that thin, smoking man in the White House.

        So no. I’m not an idiot, Ron. I actually have salient logic, make a great living for me & my family, and do fun work in my community. I give back. I include. I help those in need that are down when they need the motivation to get back up. I don’t look at the color of someone’s skin, their religious affiliation, or sexual orientation and try and encourage one side to spew filth at those who disagree with them because they have a differing point of view. But most importantly, I have tried valiantly to stick to myself. To be left alone so I can live the life I want to lead and give back where I can. That’s freedom, and I am one of MILLIONS of Americans who will not allow people like you to take that away.

        But enough is enough. From healthcare to our economy and to our safety as a nation and as a world, yes, we are worse off now than we have ever been.

        That’s why I’m done, and frankly little Ronnie Ronnie poochie poo, I don’t give a flying SHIT about you and the venom you spew towards me or anyone who shares my point-of-view. There is no point in trying to talk any sense with your side. The side that is pissing on our founders’ vision of a great nation and allowing us to become a nanny state. A place where government is the all mighty answer, where control needs to come in a dictatorial fashion instead of through the federal and state levels. A place where our constitution is mere toilet paper, where our law abiding process and the interplay between our branches of government is seen as a hindrance instead of the awesome rule of the law it’s been since our first days. A place where the majority of elected officials somehow forgot along the way that they work for US and NOT the other way around.

        So again, Ron. No, I’m not an idiot and I’m not a divider. Those titles rest solely with people like you, my “friend” (sarcasm).

        • December 1, 2015 at 12:03 pm
          Ron says:
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          UW Supreme,

          I apologize for the insult.

          Please re-read your posts and tell us again how you are interested in uniting the country. It sounds like you want to unite the country by insulting and putting down anyone who disagrees with you until they do agree with you.

          If you are so smart, please prove that either Senator McCain or Mitt Romney would have had better results as the president based on actual results, not forecasting. As far as any smart person knows, things could have been better or worse. What would it look like if a President McCain decided on military action against Iran? How about if a President Romney ignored the 43% that he thinks are lazy and just living off the government? And what if he decided to take military action against Russia?

          Just because you believe you are the right side, does not make it a fact.

          You said, “But enough is enough. From healthcare to our economy and to our safety as a nation and as a world, yes, we are worse off now than we have ever been.” While I will agree with you about health care, you apparently have no understanding of history. Have you never heard of the Great Depression or Great Recession? How about the Civil War, WWI, WWII, 9/11? Forget about those?

          I guarantee you that I do not want to take away your freedom. If you have read my posts in the past, you would know that I am one of the few who actually believe in more freedoms than most Conservatives; gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, right to choose, and zero laws based on any religious beliefs.

          • December 2, 2015 at 9:38 am
            integrity matters says:
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            Well, Ron, your request is simply an impossible one to reply to because we obviously cannot give you actual results. However, I can predict that things would not have been this bad because McCain would not have implemented Obamacare and Romney would have tried to repeal or fix it.

            Supreme’s approach to helping others and motivating them to be self-sufficient IS unifying. Obama and the Dems are promoting entitlements. If one feels entitled, they automatically are becoming selfish because they are thinking only about themselves.

            Regarding the various events you listed, the Civil War was the last time this country was divided. And it was divided because the Dems were primarily racist and the Republicans stood up for the freedom of ALL americans, regardless of their skin color. All of the other events were unifying. Americans came together to help each other and this country. They fought for something bigger than any individual or the govt itself. They fought for the ideal that any person could be free to make their own way and pursue their dreams. Are the Dems helping anyone pursue their dreams by making them reliant on govt handouts? I call this a new form of slavery.

            By the way, your ideas of more freedoms leads to apathy and anarchy. There are limits to personal freedoms. Those limits pertain to the rule of law. Unfortunately, Obama does not seem to care about that.

          • December 2, 2015 at 9:58 am
            Ron says:
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            integrity matters,

            That is why I never judge someone for who they voted. Nobody ever knows for a fact that they made the right or wrong choice, period. We need to be more respectful of each other’s decisions. At the end of the day, we are all Americans.

            The problem is, a President McCain may have either done nothing about health care, leaving tens of millions of Americans either uncovered or going bankrupt or both, or may have come up with something even worse than the PPACA.

            Helping others and motivating people to be self-sufficient is unifying. His divisive tone and insults are not.

            Nobody is promoting entitlements. Unfortunately, they are necessary to help the less fortunate, but nobody is actively promoting them. That is the kind of empty rhetoric that actually is divisive.

            Really? The Civil Rights movement, the Iraq War are 2 examples of when his country has been divided since the Civil War. The states where the people were Democrats during the Civil War are now mostly red states.

            So, if you are not able to personally enjoy a freedom, it is apathy and anarchy? Are we not able to change laws any more?

            Do you even see how divisive you are or do you just not care how your point of view is harmful to other Americans?

          • December 2, 2015 at 12:51 pm
            integrity matters says:
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            Actually, Ron, the democrats are promoting entitlements.

            Example:during the election period,there were several democratic candidates at various levels, including Obama, that used fear as a motivator by saying the Republicans, if elected, were going to end certain entitlements. They do it every time there is a debt ceiling crisis “their going to shut the govt down”. The govt is advertising and mailing out information encouraging people to get food stamps.

            Re-read my post. I said the Civil war was the last time this country was divided. Most people were in favor of the Iraq war based on the intelligence available at the time. It waned as time progressed. Even still, the country was not as divided as it is right now. I don’t understand your point about the states now being red states. If anything, it proves a unification.

            My point is that everyone cannot have whatever personal freedom they want because they think they deserve it. If you continue to unravel society just to appease someone who wants their own personal freedom, it will lead to apathy and anarchy. There has to be a line drawn somewhere. Where is your line at? Pedophelia? Or are you okay with that? You might be divisive if you don’t care about other americans freedoms.

            Do you not see the slippery slope your and the leftist point of view is?

          • December 2, 2015 at 6:03 pm
            Agent says:
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            integrity, how about I give you a good one I just received from a friend?

            Democrat Convention Schedule – 2016

            11:15 AM – Free lunch, medical marijuana and a bus ride to the convention. Forms distributed for Food Stamp enrollment.
            2:30 PM – Group Voter Registration for Undocumented Immigrants
            4:00 PM – Opening Flag Burning Ceremony
            4:15 PM – Address on “Being the Real You” – By Rachel Dolezal, former head of Seattle NAACP and Caitlyn Jenner.
            4:30 PM – How to bank $200 million as a public servant and Claim to be broke – Hillary Clinton
            4:45 PM – How to have a successful career without ever having a job, and still avoid paying taxes – By Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson
            5:00 PM – Medals of Freedom presentation to Army deserter Bo Bergdahl
            5:30 PM – Invitation only Autograph Session – Souvenir photographs of Hillary and Chelsea dodging sniper fire in Bosnia
            5:45 PM – Tribute to all the 57 States by Nancy Pelosi
            6:00 PM – General vote on praising Baltimore rioters, and on using the terminology “Alternative Shoppers” instead of “Looters”.
            7:30 PM – The White House “Semantics Committee” meeting
            General vote on re-branding “Muslim Terrorism” as “Random Acts of Islamic Over-Exurberance
            8:00 PM – Liberal Bias in the Media – How we can make it work for you – Hosted by CNN, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNBC with guest speaker Brian Williams
            8:30 PM – Tribute film to the Brave Freedom fighters still incarcerated at GITMO
            9:00 PM – Personal Finance Seminar – Businesses don’t create jobs – Hillary Clinton
            10:00 PM – Short film: Setting up your own illegal email server while serving in a cabinet post and how to pretend it is no big deal.
            10:30 PM – Official Nomination of Hillary by Bill Maher and Chris Matthews

          • December 2, 2015 at 6:47 pm
            bob says:
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            “That is why I never judge someone for who they voted. Nobody ever knows for a fact that they made the right or wrong choice, period. ”

            Yes, they do. This is the argument many foolish partisan voters make (fake moderates) in order to justify their poor voting habits while condemning others. You have condemned the right, and like it or not this is due to what they vote for.

            Only an ignorant child says “We can’t know!” and makes stupid actions. An adult says “I KNOW this will happen if I do this. So I’m going to steer clear”.

            My father used to say “You don’t know you’re going to hit a bridge if you aim for it, but chances are you will”.

            He also said “You don’t know you’re going to be hit by a semi when you stand in a street do you?” when I used to say he didn’t know something worked a certain way for sure.

            They were famous phrases. You need to grow up Ron.

            We do know there are bad choices when voting. You make those choices when you vote. It is not subjective. It is objective. We do know there are bad decisions.

          • December 7, 2015 at 11:55 am
            Ron says:
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            So are all of my votes for Republicans bad choices/decisions as well?

          • December 7, 2015 at 7:32 pm
            bob says:
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            “you would know that I am one of the few who actually believe in more freedoms than most Conservatives;gay marriage, legalization of marijuana, right to choose, and zero laws based on any religious beliefs.”

            The right agrees with gays being able to be together. Writing in a version of marriage for gays is not expanded freedoms by comparison to conservatives, it is difference of method.

            Marijuana is equal democrat to republican.
            Right to choose is you going against your religion to appear moderate, something that is not a sign of being moderate or more freedoms. It is a sign of pandering and weak will. Increasing the right to choose does not expand freedoms for pregnant women. I could just as easily make the assumption that expanding murder rights would make expanded freedoms. It doesn’t. If it takes away life, it doesn’t expand freedom.

            Zero laws based on religious beliefs…Says the Catholic who hates his religion so much he thinks this comment means anything or is a thing in the U.S. Go you! Most republicans are for religious laws! Or you’re a bigoted fool who is wrong…Either or. Even the hardcore right who are against gay marriage morally, are against gay marriage for the sake of avoiding the government establishing gay marriage as a thing. It is not that they are for religious restrictions. You are clueless on demographics. You said MOST conservatives. You believe that MOST conservatives are against gay marriage because they are for the government advocating a religious law?

            What religious laws do you think conservatives are for? Abortion can be religious, but it is also a social issue. A real one. A tangible one. Making abortion laws are not religious motivated, though because God exists, and religion exists, you’re going to have a matching religious opinion as a human being.

            The same rings true of all religious aspects you would call a religious law.

            Give me one that is solely in the area of religion. Name ONE solely in the area of religion.

            If you think laws and religion are separated as is, you’re not a believer. They are intertwined. Thou shalt not murder, as an example. Looking out for the poor (welfare assistance). Thou shalt not steal. Divorce not being a thing has to do with welfare of the kids and the family. It literally bankrupts our nation. So say abolishing divorce could be religious, but also, could have to do with keeping people committed to their responsibilities they decided to take on. Are you aware divorce used to be illegal except for due to certain aspects? As soon as it was broadened to any purpose, people started doing it for the sake of it. So restrictions in this case would actually help freedoms. The freedoms of those who are trying to fulfill their marriage vows.

            It’s cute that you call these types of laws religious laws, but it’s also petty, pious, ignorant, and haughty.

          • December 8, 2015 at 3:11 pm
            bob says:
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            So are all of my votes for Republicans bad choices/decisions as well?”

            Liar, and an attempt to derail the conversation. That is irrelevant whether all your choices are bad. What is relevant is which are and your decision making process. The fruits in the garden, how Adam and Eve fell, you’re a Catholic, you should know evil. The snake said “Did God say you can’t eat from any of the trees in the garden?”. It’s the same concept. You just said “Did God say ALL my actions were evil?” to defend your bad actions.

            In this page alone you have said why you turned against republicans. You rarely if ever say anything equivalent against democrats, and you voted for Obama twice. Your decision making in that area is poor and inefficient whether or not you have voted for republicans in the past. Your past votes don’t determine how well you voted this time, CHILD. Only a kid argues like this. Let’s look at your current problems.

            In regards to your past I think you’re a liar who is trying to us unverifiable events to show you’re a moderate. List who you voted for that was republican as a president. I went through this. You are not likely older than 30’s. Given the presidents in that time you likely voted democrat each time.

        • December 1, 2015 at 12:04 pm
          confused says:
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          I’m confused – how can you say you are NOT a divider of the country immediately after making these divisive comments?

          “There is no point in trying to talk any sense with your side. The side that is pissing on our founders’ vision of a great nation and allowing us to become a nanny state. A place where government is the all mighty answer, where control needs to come in a dictatorial fashion instead of through the federal and state levels. A place where our constitution is mere toilet paper, where our law abiding process and the interplay between our branches of government is seen as a hindrance”

          • December 2, 2015 at 9:42 am
            integrity matters says:
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            Yes, you are confused. See my response to Ron above why these comments are not divisive.

            The right want to help people help themselves. The left want to help people be selfish, to feel entitled and reliant on the govt and others. The left want people to be enslaved to the govt so that the govt can control their lives.

          • December 2, 2015 at 4:49 pm
            Agent says:
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            Good posts integrity. Some have said a few posts up that we should not judge someone by who they voted for. There is an old saying – Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Someone bragging that they are politically savvy and research all the candidates before deciding who to vote for should have known better than to make the same mistake twice on this President. A kid in grade school could figure this out if presented with the facts. It all goes to ideology and what people believe and the Progressive Agenda is a disaster of major proportions.

          • December 3, 2015 at 9:45 am
            George Bush says:
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            Actually, that quote is “fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

          • December 3, 2015 at 5:08 pm
            Agent says:
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            Hey Bob, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving up there in Washington State. Isn’t this a great article about the continuing demise of the Healthcare debacle? We predicted it since it passed in 2010, but the stubborn left couldn’t see past their nose and kept defending it at every turn. They were like lemmings jumping into the pit right after Obama. What a fantasy land they live in. They must be in an alternate Universe to think this was going to work. They really don’t know what they don’t know.

          • December 4, 2015 at 9:52 am
            Agent says:
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            Bob, good comment. I am sure the fake moderates who claim to be Independent and vote liberal don’t like hearing what you have to say. I wonder why they continue to defend Liberalism if it is an abject failure on about every issue. They say that a President doesn’t control what happens in the country and then blame George Bush for anything and everything while giving Obama a pass or at best just say that they have been “disappointed” with some of his policies. Had they been paying attention, they would have seen him coming when he told Joe the Plumber that we just have to spread the wealth around. That is the hallmark of Socialism which has failed in every country that it has been tried in. By the way, a President sets the tone for his administration by hiring people to carry out his agenda. The Czars, heads of every department and agency do his will.

          • December 7, 2015 at 9:48 am
            Ron says:
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            At first I thought you were referring to me. Then you stated, “… then blame George Bush for anything and everything…”.

            Actually, the Conservatives’ meaning behind “spreading the wealth around”, is Communism, not Socialism. You REALLY need to learn economics and basic terminology.

            However, he was not referring to Communism. he was making a point about the issue of wealth inequality when looking at increases in wages and the historic rate of income inequality.

          • December 8, 2015 at 12:48 pm
            bob says:
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            Stop arguing about semiotics (how he structured his argument) and argue his argument.

            Language is fluid. This means certain people will use different words to make points. If you understood his point well enough to state which word he should have used, you are arguing dishonestly and for points.

            Stay on topic. Not on word plays. The person who does that is the foolish child. Not vice versa.

            You make errors in this area as well, and I’ve corrected you to throw it back in your face.

          • December 8, 2015 at 1:30 pm
            Ron says:
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            What are you talking about? I was just clarifying what was said and educating those who may be confused.

            Agent likes to brag about his Economics degree, but has shown little understanding of basic economic terms. Either that or he purposely misuses terms to fit his fear-based agenda.

          • December 8, 2015 at 1:40 pm
            bob says:
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            I had a good Thanksgiving. It was crazy as usual but it was enjoyable.

            I took a couple weeks away from here as well. The ignorance is sometimes just a time waster.

          • December 8, 2015 at 5:33 pm
            Agent says:
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            Bob, I see you are still beating a dead horse with Ron. When are you going to learn this is a futile gesture? All it took for me was him admitting he voted for Obama not once, but twice. I could care less that he said he voted for Republicans in a few local races in NY. His terrible mistake was his vote for the most powerful office in the country. It is as plain as the nose on your face where this guy is coming from. A Socialist Liberal Democrat with the record to prove it.

          • December 9, 2015 at 9:59 am
            Ron says:
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            I did not realize I had that much influence. Thank you for the compliment.

            Have I ever criticized you for voting for President GW Bush twice?

        • December 3, 2015 at 6:04 pm
          Agent says:
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          integrity, I don’t know how many times he has insulted me and later apologized for the insult and then immediately insulted again and then objected to my retort. This just goes with dealing with a New Yorker whose main claim to fame is the insult.

          • December 10, 2015 at 5:34 pm
            Agent says:
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            Bob, Ron is really desperate. I think we have him on the run. He said – Have I ever criticized you for voting for GW twice? What a comparison of President’s and their actions, governing style?

            I wonder what would have happened if Obama had been in office when 9/11 happened. Would he have apologized and said it must be workplace violence or we just need to give the Muslims jobs to keep them from attacking? GW wasn’t perfect by any means and was beaten down by liberals and agreed to much of their spending frenzy and when Bawney & Chris said Fanny & Freddie was sound, he should have gone on national TV and demanded they stop their nonsense. We saw that sub prime mess coming a mile away and politicians in both parties let it happen. We have not recovered since for seven long years and 1-2% growth in the economy is the new normal.

          • December 11, 2015 at 9:26 am
            Ron says:
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            Desperate, no. Outsmarting and schooling you and bob, absolutely

            This is what President GW Bush said on 9/17/2001.


            How come when he states that Islam is a religion of peace, it is OK, but not when President Obama does the exact same thing?

            How could he have been beaten down by liberals when his party had control of Congress for half of his time in office?

    • December 1, 2015 at 10:36 am
      Agent says:
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      Hey Supreme, why don’t you tell us how you really feel? I am sure our leftists that voted for him twice and quite happy with how he has performed. This guy makes Jimmy Carter look good by comparison and I lived through Carter. Carter was also a leftist, but he was too dumb to do this kind of damage. His energy plan was to turn the thermostat down and put on a sweater. This President is a Socialist activist and everything he does divides the country and Obamacare is his biggest singular achievement to ruin the country. Coming in second is thinking Climate Change is our biggest national security threat. Don’t believe me, just listen to what he said in Paris at the conference. All those other world leaders are happy to laugh at him. What a disgrace.

      • December 1, 2015 at 10:56 am
        UW Supreme says:
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        I did tell you how I really feel (see above).

        • December 1, 2015 at 11:38 am
          Agent says:
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          Supreme, your eloquence is magnificent. I should print it up and hang it on my wall. Your genuine “rebuke” of the double Obama voter will go down in IJ lore. I am sure some of the other true believers will come down on you, but I couldn’t care less. You speak the truth.

          • December 1, 2015 at 12:05 pm
            Ron says:
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            Only in your mind.

            It was truth until I blew it up and told the real truth.

          • December 1, 2015 at 1:32 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Comment removed for terms violation

          • December 1, 2015 at 2:19 pm
            Michael says:
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            Oh my, Agent – you have made yourself look even more ridiculous than normal! It’s quite sad that this forum means so much to you. Only you will be talking about the ‘genuine rebuke’ for some time.

          • December 2, 2015 at 9:54 am
            integrity matters says:
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            You guys are so immature. That is the best you can do is personally attack Agent because he totally agreed with a post and used a term like “lore” to emphasize his appreciation for it.

            Your approach is right out of the leftist playbook. When you cannot reply with facts, personally attack.

            THAT is another reason why this country is so divided.

          • December 2, 2015 at 9:59 am
            Ron says:
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            intergrity matters,

            Do you honestly believe that Agent does not make divisive statements against fellow Americans?

          • December 2, 2015 at 12:52 pm
            bob says:
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            Do you honestly believe that Planet’s comment is similar to Agent’s?

            Agent posts an opinion, and anger at a law and liberals that passed it.

            Planet just posted basically “Haha you don’t know how to use words, yor tewe soopid to vote!!”

            See the difference?

          • December 2, 2015 at 12:55 pm
            integrity matters says:
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            I believe we all make statements that can be construed as divisive. Some people make them intentionally and some do not.

            I think Agent responses are directly related to how he is or was antagonized. I am not saying that is right or wrong. I am simply making a statement based on my observations.

          • December 2, 2015 at 1:24 pm
            Michael says:
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            Integrity, you obviously prescribe to the same guidelines that Agent does by assuming that I am a ‘leftist’ if I make a comment to/about Agent that isn’t in agreement with his statements. First, I am not a ‘leftist’ as I have explained to Agent a number of times. I’ve voted the Republican ticket for many years – I just happen to be a little more light-hearted and nicer than Agent. Second, what facts should have been stated in response to his comment? I just find it amusing that someone who is so incredibly busy running an agency (which in Agent’s opinion is the ONLY measure of success in the insurance industry) takes this forum so seriously and has so much time to spend on it. Lighten up, Integrity – this forum isn’t the most important thing in anyone’s day.

          • December 3, 2015 at 12:05 pm
            Agent says:
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            Hey Bob, UW Supreme, integrity matters. Not that I need positive reinforcement for my views, but it is nice that you have all stepped up to offset the avalanche of nasty insults from the left on this blog. They seem to have a cast of immature characters who believe in the leftist ideology and when they are called out, they just resort to their game plan of name calling and insults.

        • December 4, 2015 at 12:58 pm
          Agent says:
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          Hey Supreme, ready for a good one on Friday? I saw a great political cartoon today. Title is – Another Terror Attack?

          It has Obama standing next to a wheel called – The Wheel of Blame ready to spin it. At the top, Racism, next to that Global Warming, next to that GW Bush, next to that America, next to that, the Rich, next to that Republican, next to that White Privilege. He was ready to spin away to see which one he would use.

          He doesn’t know whether this San Bernardino massacre was workplace violence or a Terrorist act. We all know that he thought Major Hassan did a workplace violence thing when he yelled Alluah Akbar as he opened up on unarmed soldiers.

  • November 30, 2015 at 4:31 pm
    steve says:
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    maybe all the health care providers should set up their own “co-operative” insurance company where they cover the costs of defaults like this. they might learn a thing or two about insurance if they did.
    the one doctor firm with 22 Dr. got hit for $5 mil. wonder what their total annual revenues are? is $5 mil 10% or 100%?

    • December 2, 2015 at 10:55 am
      Agent says:
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      integrity, the Progressives attempt to bully me is as big a failure as their Messiah’s leadership. They take immaturity to a new level and the inability to think critically about issues and see the truth about what has happened in this country is amazing. Since they are on the wrong side and can’t tell right from wrong, they resort to name calling, character assassination and nasty language. It is just driving them crazy that I refuse to reply to the insults. I usually get at least 3-5 insults on every post.

      • December 2, 2015 at 11:17 am
        confused reality check says:
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        you are usually insulted 3-5 times on every post because you start with the insults! millenials, democratic socalists, non-christians, those who support abortion, people who believe the global temperatures are increasing, those who don’t want to rely solely on oil — i could go on listing all the groups you’ve insulted for absolutely no reason, totally out of the blue.

        here’s some free advice: don’t be the first person to insult a group of people when you make a post and i bet you’ll see a dramatic decrease in people insulting you. give it a shot, it can’t hurt to try, right?

      • December 2, 2015 at 1:27 pm
        To Dear Agent... says:
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        You usually get 3-5 insults because you’ve delivered at least that many in most every post.

  • December 1, 2015 at 1:31 pm
    Ben Dover says:
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    I thought the exchanges were set up to fail, was that not their goal all along?

    • December 1, 2015 at 3:04 pm
      Agent says:
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      Ben, the Exchanges/Co-ops idea was another scheme to force the states to accept this monstrocity. Despite hundreds of millions of our tax dollars going down the rat hole funding them, nothing has worked. Did you know that the State of Oregon didn’t write one policy despite all the money spent on their exchange? Someone should have been prosecuted for that travesty. Jonathon Gruber and Ezekiel Emanuel should both be residing in Leavenworth for their Federal crimes against the country.

      • December 1, 2015 at 4:45 pm
        Facts not Schmacks says:
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        Technically you’re right Agent – Oregon didn’t write one policy, they have written THOUSANDS of policies!!

        • December 2, 2015 at 9:09 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          Comment removed for terms violation

        • December 2, 2015 at 9:51 am
          Agent says:
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          Hey Non Facts. Not through their “exchange”. The only way Oregon gets coverage is through, our billion dollar semi functioning government website. You obviously didn’t read about the exchange closing down and the director resigning in disgrace for the abject failure of the site.

          • December 2, 2015 at 11:22 am
            Facts not Schmacks says:
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            try again agent.

            On October 16, 2015 Health Republic Insurance – one of two ACA-created CO-OPs in Oregon – announced that they will not offer plans for sale in 2016, and that their existing 15,000 members…

            15,000 people got insurance through OR’s “exchange.” you obviously didn’t read about the exchange closing down

          • December 2, 2015 at 12:49 pm
            Agent says:
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            Non Facts, do me a favor and Google – Oregon Dumps Failed Health Insurance Exchange. This story has been all over the internet including IJ. Not one consumer enrolled despite millions spent on the exchange. Everyone had to go to because of the scandal. What country have you been living in for the past few years? Clue- Oregon Exchange is not They even tried enrolling people on paper apps and that didn’t work either.

          • December 2, 2015 at 1:36 pm
            Facts not Schmacks says:
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            try again agent, part 2. i googled that, here’s what i found: about 70,192 individuals have selected private plans through Oregon’s marketplace, according to a spokeswoman for Covered Oregon.

            So I was wrong before – it wasn’t 15,000 who signed up through Oregon’s marketplace, it was 70,000+.

          • December 2, 2015 at 2:13 pm
            FFA says:
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            Semi Functioning????? Your wrong on that agent… Semi functioning??? High Schoolers could have done a better job on this one. It just down right sucks.

  • December 2, 2015 at 2:28 pm
    Agent says:
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    You are right FFA. By the way, the Millenial know it alls are still infesting the blog. I am sure you remember the massive failure of Oregon’s exchange and the resulting scandal and resignations of their leaders. Some of these dudes live in fantasy land just like their President. As Jack Nicholson famously said in “A Few Good Men”, “You can’t handle the truth”. Obama pulled the wool right over their eyes and they still believe in his Socialistic Agenda.

    • December 2, 2015 at 3:26 pm
      It's about time says:
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      I can’t believe I read ~100 comments before Agent insulted Millenials. I stupidly thought he was rolling back the nastiness and trying not to be the first one to attack, only attacking folks if they attacked him first. Sadly, I was wrong.

      • December 3, 2015 at 9:02 am
        Captain Planet says:
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        Comment removed for terms violation

        • December 3, 2015 at 9:50 am
          Agent says:
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          Planet, I have reported you 5 times to IJ for using my name as a perpetrator of ID theft. I am now going to contact your pastor Mike in West Des Moines and see if he can counsel you on your aberrant behavior. Christians do not behave like you do. Perhaps they have already sent you packing so you are free to join the local Mosque.

          • December 3, 2015 at 1:45 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            I don’t live in fear and you can’t scare me. How have I stolen your identity? Do you know what identity theft is? Are you simply upset because you can’t hide behind that mask anymore? Please explain to me what I have done that isn’t Christian like. I can point to your insults, for example, as aberrant behavior Christians do not behave like. Further, no church that actually follows Jesus’ lead would kick any member out. That sounds more like a cult to me. Jesus is accepting of all.

          • December 3, 2015 at 2:17 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            I just received the following email today. You had brought up identity theft so thought you may be interested:
            In the spirit of the holidays, IDT911 is proud to offer you a free copy of SWIPED—How to Protect Yourself in a World Full of Scammers, Phishers and Identity Thieves. There is no further obligation. At this time of year, we all need to be more vigilant than ever so order your book NOW!

            SWIPED is a practical, lively book that defines identity theft protection by the three M’s: minimizing risk, monitoring your identity, and managing the damage. SWIPED is invaluable not only for preventing problems but helping you cope when they arrive.

            Let IDT911 help you defend against identity theft and fraud. Get your FREE copy now, while supplies last!

          • December 3, 2015 at 3:15 pm
            Wow.... says:
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            And another ridiculous comment by Agent. Bad behavior begets bad behavior. You’re as guilty as anyone.

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