NYC Plans to Issue Salt-Warning Fines as Lawsuit Continues

By | May 31, 2016

  • May 31, 2016 at 1:35 pm
    Jack Kanauph says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    In other words, Obama’s government thinks you are too stupid to know what is good or bad to eat, just like it thinks you are too stupid to know which bathroom to use.

    • May 31, 2016 at 5:25 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Only, it’s the State of NY and not the fed making up the salt information rule. And, also, they aren’t telling you not to eat it, they are just asking restaurants to inform their patrons about the ingredients they are ingesting. Much the same as the way I read labels when I shop for food so I am not subjecting myself and my family to certain substances. What’s wrong with an informed customer?

      Oh, and it’s you, Jack, who is acting too stupidly about the bathroom. Who cares if it’s a used-to-be-Jenny who is now Johnny taking a deuce in the stall next to you? Everybody poops.

      • June 1, 2016 at 10:33 pm
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        I do my deuces in the woods. Or on icebergs. Doesn’t everyone?

  • May 31, 2016 at 1:56 pm
    Vickie says:
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    Why don’t they just make a single meal menu that has no fat, no sugar and no salt and say that is all a restaurant can serve?

    This is going way so overboard..:(

    • June 6, 2016 at 1:57 pm
      Companyman says:
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      Soylent Green?..

  • May 31, 2016 at 6:36 pm
    GoldC says:
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    All aspects and CHOICES of our lives are regulated. How is it common sense legislation when it is literally shoved down my New York throat?? This country isn’t free and I’m certainly not free to use my own best judgment.

    Obamas and de Blasio, get out of Americans’ diets!

    • June 1, 2016 at 9:12 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      GoldC – can you please explain how you think you are “not free to use [your] own best judgment” here?

      The only thing that has changed is “salt-shaker-like icons [on] menu items that contain more salt than doctors recommend ingesting in an entire day.”

      You are free to order one of those salt-heavy dishes if you want, just like you are free to order super-spicy foods that have 5 chili pepper icons next to the dish name.

      • June 1, 2016 at 1:59 pm
        GoldC says:
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        That the government is enacting legislation which would impose a fine on a business, instead of relying on me to use my own judgment, isn’t freedom for the business owner or the constituents. Most of us are savvy enough to know what is and isn’t good for us, salt shaker icon or not; and those of us who make bad dietary choices ignore our better judgment.

        • June 1, 2016 at 3:32 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          Well, your original comment was “I’m not free to use my own best judgment” which is still wrong. You can still buy foods high in salt if you choose, or you can go to restaurants that have less than 15 stores and you won’t see any salt shakers on the menu as the law doesn’t apply to those businesses!

          Onto your reply. You say most are savvy enough to know what is and is not good for us. I agree somewhat – at McDonalds or Burger King, yeah, that’s pretty obvious, but it’s not always true.

          Ask anyone if salads are healthy and most will say “obviously, yeah, salads are good if you don’t load up on extras like dressing or cheese. Even with chicken added, it’s still healthy.”

          Well, people would be wrong, e.g. “…boneless Buffalo chicken salads with more than 3,000 milligrams…

          You want to argue “people just know what’s good” without actually telling people what’s in those foods and how healthy they may or may not be, especially when reality has seemingly healthy items (salad) exceeding the daily salt intake in one meal, I can’t agree with you that it’s so obvious.

          You want to argue the state overstepped its authority and this should be handed down by the federal government, that’s reasonable.

          • June 2, 2016 at 2:03 pm
            UW says:
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            Good points Rosenblatt. It’s impossible to make informed decisions without information air what you are eating, it’s not debatable, this did not occur in most foods until the government mandated it. Private industry will not do this on the whole unless they are forced to, the same goes with restaurants. Also, stating most people are savvy enough to know what is in food is simply false, especially work the marketing aimed specifically at trying to make garbage seem healthy.

            Just like all these people claimed increasing minimum wage would shut down all the businesses, and labels on food would ruin groceries and supermarkets, and then were wrong, they will be wrong about this too.

  • June 1, 2016 at 10:31 pm
    Yogi Polar Berra says:
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    The Fed Govt allows criminal illegal immigrants to go free after they are captured by ICE…. dozens of times. Murders of American citizens go unpunished. Robberies of, assault on, and injuries from car accidents, by uninsured illegal immigrants take the wealth of, and do bodily harm to, dozens of American citizens every hour.

    But our government wants to protect us from salt and sugary soda.

    I am now removing my baseball cap, scratching the top of my head with my right paw, and returning the hat to where it was while shaking my head, side to side, in disbelief.

    • June 3, 2016 at 8:55 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      Bad diets harm and kill more people than illegal immigrants. The #1 killer of Americans is heart disease. The culprit there isn’t illegal immigrants, it’s diet. Heck, diabetes hurts and kills more people than illegals. Again, what is wrong with informing a consumer about something they may be putting into their body? Makes perfect sense to me. I don’t want to eat loads of salt. I wish this was a nationwide effort.

      • June 3, 2016 at 10:39 pm
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        In most instances, we can prevent heart disease and diabetes.

        With Dems seeking new voters because they aborted so many of their own babies, we can’t prevent harm from illegal immigrants committing crimes. The US government won’t protect its citizens, and will aid invaders from foreign countries with food stamps and lower tuition for college and free medical care. In fact, ISIS terrorists are now sneaking across the Mexico-US border by crawling under the fences. The liberal media still calls then freedom fighters or militant refugees.

        • June 6, 2016 at 8:43 am
          Ron says:
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          Yogi Polar Berra ,

          How do you even get out of bed everyday and function?

          You have bought the illusion of fear sold by the right for your vote.

          • June 6, 2016 at 7:30 pm
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            I get out of bed one paw at a time, like everyone else.

            I only fear knocking over a salt shaker and melting the iceberg I’m currently riding on, so I never use salt. Darwinian laws are all we need.

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