Former New York Engineering Firm Exec Guilty in Sandy Insurance Case

January 13, 2017

  • January 13, 2017 at 2:18 pm
    agent2 says:
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    Come on….what was their motivation to reduce what was paid? was this for flood or homeowners? What companies hired them? who induced them to edit reports?

    Something is missing here.

  • September 4, 2017 at 11:37 pm
    Jeffrey Bohemier says:
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    What a travesty of our Justice system. These thugs cause irreparable harm to the property owners, yet this snuck got away with a $10,000 fine and 3 years of probation. I’ve got no doubt that his altered repoerts caused the insured millions and millions that they SHOULD HAVE BEEN PAID by these insurance companies. These people paid their insurance premiums just like they were told to do and for that the companies that profited off those same policies screwed them royally when it came time for them to pay out. I’d certainly like to know what circumstances were used to let these crooks off the hook for committing such a massive fraud against the insured.

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