Court Declines to Tear Up New Jersey’s $225M Settlement with Exxon

By | February 14, 2018

  • February 16, 2018 at 9:04 am
    Tax Cuts 4 PolaRich Bears says:
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    This is a unique example of jury/ judge shopping, a phenomenon similar in structure and intent to doctor shopping. In this case, the greedy and arrogant environmentalists are doing the shopping post-judgement (post-facto)…. because they’re unlikely to succeed in any NEW lawsuits they initiate against Big Oil. Judges are being called upon to over-rule other judges’ decisions, and some of them are sensitive to the implication of poor judgement (pun intended) by the shyster attorney’s and environ-incompoops they represent.

  • April 21, 2018 at 4:41 pm
    Jim says:
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    Christie let Exxon off the hook for $.03 on the dollar, for damages done to the New Jersey environment after 10 years of stalling by EXXON. But that insult was not even enough of one to the NJ environment. He had to throw in SCORES of other contamination sites as an extra bonus ! In return, Christie had hoped to realize large donations for the Republican party and for support for his own presidential ambitions. All he got was ignored, while EXXON’S Rex Tillerson got to be Secretary of State for about a year. Corporatism wins again while New Jersey residents must be ever watchful where they walk, or breath or drink water or camp or hike or go boating.

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