Judge Again Rules Against $200M Raid on Pennsylvania Insurance Surplus

December 21, 2018

  • December 21, 2018 at 2:02 pm
    Mark Ambrose says:
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    Since 1975 this company has taken no public funds from the government. But the Government in 1975 passed a law allowing it to exist meaning that the Government can take whatever they’d like from this private business whenever they’d like because the Government spent too much money. What absolute corruption!

  • December 21, 2018 at 3:24 pm
    Old Timer says:
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    Is this the company that received the funds that were feed/surcharged onto various nursing home, medical facility professional liability policies?Gosh I haven’ t heard about them in years!

  • December 27, 2018 at 2:02 pm
    brybo says:
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    this PA governor and cronies are looking to beg, borrow and steal from anywhere that’s an easy target. PA will now tax commissions ahead of being paid from the insurers to a non-resident agent. only PA and CA have found another way to steal some money. trying not to be political, but what political party is in power of these two states? once you discover that, you’ll understand they need to tax anyone, any company to pay for those who don’t contribute to society so they can keep getting elected. (regarding the tax on non resident commissions, easy enough to figure out a “get around”. just think, and beat them at their game.

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