New Hampshire Governor Signs Workplace Safety Bill

May 22, 2019

  • May 23, 2019 at 7:57 am
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    Prohibitionists ‘such as Sununu, along with the climate deniers, and mostly within the Republican Party are far too ignorant and poorly educated to hold any position of responsibility. These greedy corporate parasites are going against the will of the citizens by refusing to allow marijuana. Where did we get these ignorant and greedy creatures anyway? And how do we keep them from the infestation of public service positions? No one but another ignorant and equally poorly educated idiot would actually vote for one of them. While Teachers beg for pencils and the students suffer for adequate lunches these greedy creatures are allowing law enforcement to steal hundreds of millions of dollars through asset forfeiture. Money that should go into the general budget to help fund schools and to help the elderly and others, but instead is miss-appropriated and commandeered from the citizens and used to extend their police state. Anyone that would allow this is an ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE or just too ignorant and incompetent to hold public office., If these greedy creatures are allowed to continue soon they will demand everything. We should do all possible to remove them from public service. Besides; we already have way too many crackpots in public office.

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