Virginia Tech Student Sues After Hazing Suspension

February 10, 2020

  • February 10, 2020 at 4:59 pm
    Common Sense says:
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    No place for hazing in college. The guy should have been banned from this school forever.

  • February 11, 2020 at 10:13 am
    companyman says:
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    When I joined the military and graduated in my MOS they pinned my wings on me in the same manner. My drill gave me “blood wings” by pinning them on my chest but not using the backing. Maybe a 1/4 pin in the back. It was something I wanted and a tradition that many have done before me. I get “tradition” can be a bad word as many traditions are antiquated and no longer PC (or just plain wrong). I also understand the hazing issue and how out of hand they can get and have gotten, this is not an extreme case that should warrant that type of reaction from the school.

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