New York Could Try to Sue Gun Manufacturers Under Bill

June 10, 2021

  • June 11, 2021 at 2:18 pm
    stush says:
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    We have a similar law in Pennsylvania to protect gun mfrs and sales and it boggles the mind that for all the talk about “law and order” from very vocal groups, including law enforcement, that private citizens are allowed to own military grade firearms. I’ve grown up watching TV shows and movies where the hero is the guy who enforces a no-gun policy for cowhands coming into town. Funny that should be so clear in that medium but so different in reality. But more to the point, why shield gun manufacturers when a plaintiff’s attorneys abound for lawsuits against auto manufacturers? They don’t make cars to kill folks, why should gun manufacturers be protected when folks use their products “unintentionally”? This is all about money and you know who pays it and who gets it and who gets stuck for it….it’s about time the other shoe fell!

  • June 11, 2021 at 6:53 pm
    Robert R says:
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    Gun Control has never been about GUNS!!
    It has always been about removing the immunity laws for gun manufacturers and dealers.
    Wake up America!!! Our government is playing shell games with us!!!

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