Pet Insurance Coming to Japan

August 23, 2005

  • August 23, 2005 at 7:21 am
    A Japanese pet owner says:
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    I think, as a Japanese, this explanation is not fair to explain situations to keep pets in Japan.
    Although this news and first comment seem to say that there are no cover for pets in Japan, many mutual associations provide pet owners cover, which are kind of pet insurance.
    Actually, Pet cover is underwritten by mutual associations, not insurance companies, now.
    But Kyodo news agency, maybe, never intend to say that there are “Lack of Pet Cover”.

  • August 23, 2005 at 11:48 am
    Happy Happy Good Pet Owner says:
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    Forget about the kids starving in Japan which your mom made you feel guilty about when you didn’t want to finish your meal at dinner time.

    Lack of Pet Insurance in Japan has been sending pet owners to the United States for quality pet health care and cheap pet insurance rates. It’s about time some Japanese Actuaries took a hard look at this yen driving industry and put a rate to it!

    I’m tired of subsidizing these Japanese who come here to use up my Vet’s precious time and consume my insurance dollars!


    (this posting does not reflect or should be construed to be truthful in presenting a venting angry American’s opinion but to present sarcasim in the purest sensce of the word and bring a sense of levity and humor to an industry that really needs it…especially those in London)

  • August 23, 2005 at 12:36 pm
    Bill Gordon says:
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    LOL!! Very good!

  • August 2, 2007 at 4:11 am
    Andrew Harris says:
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    Pet Protect ‘Affordable Insurance’will be available in Japan mid 2008.

    We take care of the ones you love

    Andrew Harris
    Principal Shareholder

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