S&P Assigns ‘B-‘ Rating to New NZ Insurer Western Pacific

March 31, 2006

  • April 6, 2006 at 5:46 am
    fred thomson says:
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    Can anybody tell me the people, principles connected with this company ?

  • August 20, 2006 at 10:18 am
    Alun Fosta says:
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    Can anybody tell me who fred thomson is and where he learned english? I think he has a problem differentiaing his \”princiPLES\’ from his \”princiPALS!\” If he wants to check out Western Pacifics \”principles\” and \”principals\” I suggest he goes to \”www.companies.govt.nz\” A visit to
    http://www.dominionunderwriting.com (Our Australian MGA)
    http://www.eib-hk.com (Our Hong Kong Speciality Broker)
    would also prove educational.
    Elementary my dear thomson. I would gusee that mr. thomson is american

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