Aon Forms ‘Affinity Worldwide’ Unit

September 21, 2006

  • September 21, 2006 at 1:04 am
    John Biggio says:
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    Just another example of inflated egos running wild. Clearly these people have to much time on their hands.Really it is about levarging the insurance industry (an industry wrought with re-cycled middle management failures)in a soft markey cycle.The carriers get bad claims and the clients fair to poor customer service and the \”world wide\” affinity masters will create a new spin. When will they learn.
    John M Biggio
    Program Manager
    FIIA Inc

  • September 25, 2006 at 5:55 am
    lou ferro says:
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    what is an affinity market?

  • September 27, 2006 at 7:10 am
    Gary says:
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    Oh Johno – you really are poor ole cynical chappie.

    Best you take your frustrations out on a golf ball or better still when you get home from work – kick the cat !

    Still I suppose , if one must live in the US ……… maybe its why you are like u are.

  • October 9, 2006 at 10:00 am
    John M Biggio says:
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    Thanks Gary. Have you shined their shoes lately? Pathetic chap.

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