IPCC Report Confirms Widespread Impact of Global Warming

April 6, 2007

  • April 7, 2007 at 1:13 am
    E.A. says:
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    Yet another \”conservative\” who doesn\’t want to conserve anything, turning a basic thermodynamics equation into something political. Probably a Creationist, if general attitudes hold true. They say Jesus is coming so who needs a stable climate and all that Earthly stuff?

    Logically, conservatives, not \”liberals,\” should be actively conserving what\’s left of nature and protecting the stable climate that makes \”The Economy\” possible.

    The Far Right has such twisted priorities that it\’s hard to fathom their ignorance. Ignoring nature\’s signs is a terrible survival strategy, even in best-case scenarios.


  • April 7, 2007 at 1:31 am
    E.A. says:
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    Ever notice how science is only \”wrong\” when it questions money-making, personal habits or religious beliefs? Think about that and you\’ll see how true it is. Keep trying with the 5th-grade propaganda, but melting ice and global rising temperatures tell the true story.

    By the way, you only know of historical (natural) warming cycles from the research of REAL scientists who gathered the data instead of hiding behind radio mics and second-guessing years of study. Those are the same scientists (in _appropriate_ disciplines) telling you that THIS warming is extreme and unprecedented. Devious cut & paste tactics that twist their data are only fooling fools.

    There is NO \”ever growing body of evidence\” that global warming is not man-made, except in the minds of Creationists, oil profiteers and other Far Right paranoid types. Ignorance is forgivable but these dirty tactics are deliberate. Admit that you don\’t respect nature and be done with your charade.


  • April 7, 2007 at 1:38 am
    E.A. says:
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    These \”skeptics\” would have far more credibility if they weren\’t the same bunch who doubt every environmental warning that comes along. They can\’t accept the very concept of an environmental problem short of the entire planet blowing up. Much of this arrogance toward nature is rooted in the words of Genesis 1:28.

    They are addicted to economic growthism (aka overpopulation) and will not relent until every possible energy fix is extracted from the Earth. How they came to be called \”conservatives,\” which implies a conservation ethic, is beyond comprehension.

    Well, actually, they just want to \”conserve\” their own personal stash of whatever, because they were born number one. The rest of the world can float to Hell on a shrinking iceberg for all they care. Greed, ego and gluttony: it\’s the Right way to live.


  • April 6, 2007 at 2:08 am
    Martin Uniacke says:
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    The article states: \”Six years later that\’s no longer the case. No serious scientist today disputes the existence of global warming, even though its potential impact remains the subject of continued analysis\”

    The author claims to not only know the mind of every scientist but has determined whether or not they are \”serious\” a.k.a. credible. Not only does this statement make the author a meglomaniac it makes him stark raving mad! as well as uninfomed. How can you make such a statement???? There are thousands of \”credible\” scientists who disagree on all levels of: cause, effect, and existance of global warming. Most recently, studies were relesed suggesting all planets in the solar system had become warmer recently, suggesting a sun centered cause.

    The reason the author connects \”credible\” with 100% is simply because they have closed their minds to the suggestion of anything except MAN MADE Global warming, and of course international socialist SOLUTIONS made by liberal elite POWER BROKERS like AL GORE and PRINCE CHARLES who have HORRENDOUS TRACK RECORDs that suggest THEY know what\’s best for the PEONS,namely US.

    And by the way if THEY NEED to Burn More FUEL in one WEEKEND then I will in TWO YEARS than I am just not a BIG PICTURE PERSON.

    And that is exactly how the AUTHOR of this article already THINKS.



    GO JUMP In a lake, they will be here for centuries, don\’t worry your small elite mind about that! When you are done doing that take a private jet to a Demonstration!

  • April 6, 2007 at 2:18 am
    Skeptik says:
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    I have a deep concern that good science is being hijacked by junk science. When the outcomes from a field of scientific research are deemed by its supporters to be of such certainty that further debate or research is pointless, then it ceases to be science and enters the realm of propaganda.

    The issue of global warming has become such a political and scientific football that those of us who point to the ever growing body of evidence that man-made CO2 is probably not the primary cause of global warming are labeled as ignorant, environment hating heretics. In truth I am as supportive of the environment as the next man but I take issue with those who would have us spend billions trying to prevent a natural phenomenon over which we have little or no control.

    It is becoming evident, through hard scientific evidence, that the sun’s variability is possibly the most likely primary cause of global warming, not CO2. Dansgaard, Oeschger, et al discovered physical evidence that points towards a solar induced climate change cycle, but nowhere do politicians or the media raise this fact or the conclusions of their work. Instead we are bombarded almost daily with dire apocalyptic forecasts of man induced global warming outcomes that almost always do not eventuate.

    A case in point. Remember the supposedly sinking Maldives? In 2003 before members of the Geological Society of America, Nils-Axel Mörner, a geologist from the University of Stockholm presented a paper that clearly demonstrated through solid physical evidence that the sea level around the Maldive Islands has risen and fallen repeatedly over the millennia and most recently from 1790-1970 the sea level rose by about 30 cm to then fall 30 cm in the 1970s to today’s level, which is the statistical norm. He concluded that the Maldives will probably not sink anytime soon.

    We need honest assessment of the situation by scientists, politicians and the media, not sycophantic agreement with those who have a political or financial axe to grind. I do not have a problem with a concerted effort to encourage and establish new clean sustainable energy sources. I do have a problem with the effort being based on a theory that is now being slowly disproved and the spending of billions unnecessarily on carbon credits and other such nonsense.

    I look forward to the day when we can take a balanced, considered approach, to the issue of climate change and encourage an honest appraisal of its effects. I also look forward to the public support of any scientist who wishes to come forward with new evidence in support of any climate theory and not have him or her manipulated, threatened or silenced by those with whom they disagree.

  • April 6, 2007 at 3:57 am
    Tom says:
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    Skeptik : How true and very well put. You never hear anyone say \”there is consensus that the earth is not in the center of the universe.\” They don\’t say that because it is a fact. Since there are many scientists who disagree with man made global warming they can\’t say it is a fact so they say consensus.

  • April 7, 2007 at 1:19 am
    V. Corday says:
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    They\’re just trying to appear as the Trinity. Perhaps the person gets paid for putting at least three posts per site. It happens.

  • April 7, 2007 at 2:03 am
    Robert says:
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    Well said Skeptik! I would also add that it is incumbent on the man-made global warming cultists to explain how the hundreds to perhaps thousands of cooling/warming cycles that occurred on this planet before the advent of humans were able to happen with no human input.

  • April 9, 2007 at 11:57 am
    LIberal agenda says:
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    So, what exactly is the straight laced liberal priorities that makes the far right so \”twisted\”. As far as I can remember, the right has always had the same point of views, at least this conservative has. It is the liberal that does whatever feels right, no matter the consequenses.

  • April 9, 2007 at 12:40 pm
    Confused Kid says:
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    In the article posted on this site, only one paragraph discusses humankind\’s potential contirbution to the problem.

    I think the \”why\” we are experiancing global warming is not as important as what can we do to prepare and perahps mitigate some of the changes.

    Is it ever a bad idea to plan for drastic changes? Is it ever a bad idea to try and pollute less? If we reduce our carbon emssions and it does not seem to slow this process – is that a bad thing?

    Why is everyone using this information as an excuse to have a political debate?

    My dad showed me this and I am just a kid, so maybie I am missing something.

  • April 9, 2007 at 1:03 am
    Martin Uniacke says:
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    Everything you are saying is correct. It is never a bad thing to prepare. If grown ups kept that in mind we would all be better off.

    What is unfortunate is that people sometimes use a problem, and I believe global warming is a problem, to say that only their solutions are the correct ones.

    Like the person who wrote this article saying all the scientists in the world agree. Usually people who might benefit from money being raised want everyone to panic and be afraid and tax people and spend the money in ways that may not be effective, but are good for them.

    Most of the laws that people who believe man is causing global warming have wanted to tax American companies but not companies in all the other countries, does that seem fair?

    It is even worse when the people saying that don\’t practice what they preach. That is called being a hypocrite. So it is bad when President Bush says, for instance, he will be spend our money wisely then he doesn\’t. Just as it is bad for Prince Charles or Al Gore to say we all should conserve, right before they get on to a private plane (which causes much more pollution than if they just flew a regualar lane.)

    You seem like a smart kid, maybe we should let you run things!

  • April 9, 2007 at 2:39 am
    educatethekid says:
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    OK go get lots of daddy\’s money and send it to al gore and tell him you want him to stop all wild fires and forest fires to cap any volcano that may erupt in your lifetime, place themonuclear missles in spac to attempt to stop any asteriod comet or other body from impacting the earth and to go to the sun and force it to be consistent in it irradiation of our planet, ensure the permanence of the Van Allen mangnetic belts around the earth, the proximety of the moon to earth so no tidal shifts occur etc etc etc but of course it is man who has the most influence on all these systems as we are all gods on earth!

  • April 9, 2007 at 5:07 am
    Confused Kid says:
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    Wow – Did you get beat up a lot when you were my age? That is a lot of anger you got there. Did I say in my post that man is responsible for global warming?

  • April 13, 2007 at 5:19 am
    Big Larry says:
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    Every 10 years or so it\’s another global disaster being predicted. First, \”Silent Spring.\” That didn\’t come. Then \”a new ice age.\” That didn\’t come. Then \”hole in the ozone.\” That went away. Now this global warming baloney. The earth\’s climate has been changing for 4.5 billion years. People have migrated around the earth due to climate change since people first walked the earth. But by making it a political issue, scientists get grants and opportunists get opportunities — and promoters get to promote. I\’m from Missouri, so I\’m skeptical. I\’m willing to wait until I see real effects before I join this stampede.

  • April 16, 2007 at 1:02 am
    JP says:
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    and I was looking forward to global warming too!
    Why is it that the weather is so unpredictable??

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