China’s Snow Crisis Highlights Weaknesses of Economy

By | January 31, 2008

  • January 31, 2008 at 1:20 am
    Little Frog says:
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    but only in the minds of New World Order politicians.

  • January 31, 2008 at 2:16 am
    Typical Weather? says:
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    Sounds like a typical US east coast winter. Thought they wanted to be like the “West”? What are they whinning about?

  • January 31, 2008 at 2:49 am
    Chilly says:
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    “For much of southern and central China, ice and snow are rarities.”

    Al Gore, call your office.

  • January 31, 2008 at 3:07 am
    Annoyed says:
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    Pointing to one particular snow storm event to dismiss the notion of global warming shows your ignorance. The real problem is that elevated levels of CO2 in the atmosphere as a result of man’s industrial revolution have created dramatic climate changes on a global scale that humans are ill-equipped to deal with or solve without drastically changing current western culture lifestyles. Check out some satellite images of Greenland or Antartica’s glacial ice sheets from 30 yrs ago to today and let an actual scientist without a lobbying group’s monetary support explain why global warming is going to have a severe impact on the next couple of generations.

  • January 31, 2008 at 3:24 am
    Nobody Important says:
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    You must be careful not to question global warming in public. You will be pilloried and villified. You know that if you don’t agree with them 100% you are ignorant. Freedom of thought is obsolete.

  • January 31, 2008 at 3:27 am
    Chilly says:
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    I’m ignorant? Of course, that means you;re not. Have you read and refuted ?

    Maybe you have read and refuted this:
    Recent glacier and climate variations in the Pacific Northwest,

    Or howsabout, Greenland warming not related to CO2

    Speaking of lobbyists, how many people, for instance, know that James Hansen, a man billed as a lonely “NASA whistleblower” standing up to the mighty U.S. government, was really funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute , which gave him “legal and media advice”?

    That’s right, Hansen was packaged for the media by Soros’ flagship “philanthropy,” by as much as $720,000, most likely under the OSI’s “politicization of science” program.

  • February 1, 2008 at 4:19 am
    Roger says:
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    The latest reports show that whilst the northern pole is warming, the southern pole is cooling. Over the last ten years 98% of Antarctica has been cooler than the long term average. It is only the small peninsula (where all the Global Warming alarmist film)that is warming, and even then not evenly, a third of the glaciers are extending, but they don’t want you to know all this because it undermines the whole brain washing campaign.

  • February 1, 2008 at 12:41 pm
    Chilly says:
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    Whenever you see a chunk of a glacier fall off (known as “calving”) it’s because the glacier is growing. As it grows, the edges lose support and fall off.

    Global temperatures have been flat for the past six years.

    There are active volcanoes under the North Pole.

    It’s snowing in Alabama.

    Non of this maters though, because in allegedly anthropogenic global warming, socialists have found what they think is their last best chance to expand government forever, so they are all over it like white on rice.

  • February 9, 2008 at 1:43 am
    Un-sheeped says:
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    The last Ice Age has never actually ended. Ironic isn’t it?

    I just finished a course on Environmental Studies, and the Ice Age is set to end in 2025 according to the “previous cycles”

    However, scientists believe that global warming is speeding up the process.

    But Earth’s actual temperature has usually been about 5 to 10 degrees warmer than it is right now. Right now we’re in the “dethawing” process.

    CO2 is a natural chemical. Whether causing a green house effect or not, it can’t eat holes in the ozone layer like the previous gases that were banned had the ability to do.

    This is just a natural process of the Earth. Who’s to say that history will exactly repeat itself like all previous Ice Ages? And is it really not possible that scientific calculations can be wrong? Still, they came within 30 years of their prediction date.

  • February 9, 2008 at 1:52 am
    Un-sheeped says:
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    And not only is the Earth warming, but the entire solar system is warming. I wish I could find the article (and of course it wasn’t printed in a U.S. Media outlet) but scientists in Russia and Europe have evidence that the entire solar system is heating up. Jupiter’s moons (which used to be ice) are completely water now.

    Now, my curiosity here more than any of this, is why in the world have we not even heard anything about China being under snow?

    I know the elections are going on, but I read multiple media sources daily and I have yet to see an extensive article on this. The only reason I stumbled on this was from a by-line at the bottom of the screen, running on CNN at 2:30 am that said “Supplies for scattered and stranded reached China early yesterday.”

    All this past month I’ve seen nothing but complete rubbish about Britney Spears’ custody battle and the best places in the States to travel for vacation this winter.

    I have yet to see a major headline detailing China’s situation.

  • February 11, 2008 at 7:49 am
    Chilly says:
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    I didn’t see any news about it snowing in Alabama or Baghdad either. If not for the Internet we wouldn’t know about it.

    Here’s a good article about that big fireball in the sky and how, believe it or not, it just might have some effect on global climate.

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