Lockton’s James Sees Bigger Role for Brokers as Risk Climate Worsens

July 17, 2008

  • July 17, 2008 at 12:53 pm
    Huggy Bear says:
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    Lockton as a company, especially the Los Angeles office, is a horrible place to work. The leadership in the LA office are seedy backstabbing individuals that give you a lot of lip service. Anyone interested in working for the LA office should run for the hills.

  • August 1, 2008 at 10:14 am
    Bear Trap says:
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    Did you even read the article or do you just google Lockton in the hopes you’ll be able to vent on a blog?

    While the article doesn’t provide any earth shattering statements or cures for the Sargasso Sea market we are in, it isn’t without its merits.

    As a Lockton employee – I find it very cool that in 50 years a company can go from a basement in KC to addressing a conference in Taiwan about global opportunities.
    Is it a perfect company with perfect positions and everyone is on a rocket to the top? – NO. But NASA let me know that my astronaut application didn’t cut it so I work in insurance and Lockton is a good place to do so.
    I do know several people who have left Lockton and returned – some only a month later.
    I know others – you probably among them -who ended their time at Lockton with acrimony and hope for the worst for the company be they fired or otherwise.
    If after leaving Lockton – you have been promoted for your work and have excelled where you were held back before – then you have the best revenge by living well. If this hasn’t happened – I hope you take advantage of whichever Broker you are with’s EAP plan to deal with your frustrations. Otherwise we’ll have to read your lines two years from now about AON or Willis in similar articles after you leave your current company.

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