Growing Gulf of Aden Piracy Threat

September 26, 2008

  • September 26, 2008 at 12:40 pm
    Big D says:
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    You know I’ve always felt weird about the Pirate fantasy; dressing up like pirates, glorifying pirates. Just like kids glorifying Charles Manson.

    These guys are still really bad guys.
    I’m surprised but not that pirates still exist! And as I think about it, ships are REALLY vunerable! Dang.

  • September 26, 2008 at 12:47 pm
    Dread says:
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    The shipping industry needs to hire some mercenaries to ride shotgun on some of these ships. The next time these cretins of the past try to attack one of them, they’d get their pathetic a sses blown to hell. Once the word gets out they might think twice about it.

    It still baffles me how a bunch of clowns in inflatable boats can takeover a freakin’ ship. Would seem that arming the crew with automatic weapons would be a serious deterrent. It’s a lot easier to shoot down at a small craft than it is to shoot upward towards a ship.

  • September 26, 2008 at 1:47 am
    B. B. says:
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  • September 26, 2008 at 4:51 am
    abc says:
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    Really, it’s a bit like you swatting mosquitos; you still end up bitten, and if the mosquito carries a deadly threat, you’re still.

    Now think of mosquitos that don’t need to land on you carry out their threat. Consider a rocket launcher or similar portable, directable high explosive and you might start to get a more accurate picture of the true difficulty of the task you so blithely dismiss.

    Ship operators are rather intelligent, folks with a healthy interest in self-preservation, so it is silly to assume that they aren’t doing all they can legally and financially to protect. Why do you think they purchase insurance for this sort of thing? If they could legally hire protection that is cheaper and more effective than insurance they would do exactly that.

    Back to your armchairs and enjoy the Hollywood pirates for what they are (entertainment) rather than modern career profiles for today’s youth.

  • September 29, 2008 at 8:22 am
    Dread says:
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    abc…….do you still believe in the Easter Bunny? Allowing a band of bunks to hold someone else’s property hostage and DEMAND $20M is unacceptable. The reason it keeps happening is that they think it’s an easy way to make money and they see no consequence to them. Eliminate the profit motive and you solve the problem. The other alternative to deal with this variety of human garbage is to eliminate it. These cretins are dregs from a 3rd world country and like mosquitoes or flies, need to be swatted.

  • September 29, 2008 at 5:07 am
    abc says:
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    Easter Bunny…
    Not sure why EB is part of your discussion.

    Either your proposed solution (vigilantes/mercenaries) is not financially beneficial or its illegal. That is my point.

    I don’t advocate allowing pirates to steal cargo without consequence. Neither do I suggest that a solution to the problem is to sit around and hope things get better. Pirate thinking has very little to do with the problem: cargo is pirated, money is made, and pirates and (more likely) their backers/leaders consider the risk-adjusted reward worth whatever investment (in life, limb and resources) they make. Why they do it is simple to understand. The solutions are also well understood; implementing effective solutions is where the real challenge exists.

    If your solution made sense it would be implemented, because the idea is as old as ships and pirates. Recall that even in the “heydays of piracy”, the tools used to combat piracy were insurance (piracy and thievery were some of the original reasons for the development of insurance coverage for international trade),
    legal/law enforcement (anti-piracy laws and stiff penalties for convicted pirates and pirated goods traffickers) and military (big reason for British Navy was protection of international maritime trade).

    As to pirates…

    bunks are beds, and human garbage, cretins and 3rd World dregs represent your individual, irrational value-judgement (certainly not facts) and have no place in this discussion. My other point.

    I do agree that efficiently/effectively swatting flies and mosquitoes is a desireable solution. I strongly disagree with your value judgement(stated as if fact) and the method of swatting that you propose.

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